Exam Cram 2024

Exam Cram has been a campus-wide tradition for many years. This semester, we’re continuing the tradition with more Exam Cram activities!

Resources to Help You Stress Less During Exams

We know you might need extra academic support around exam time, and GVSU is ready to help through a variety of online services.

Have an exam coming up that requires extra preparation and studying? Don’t worry! The Student Academic Success CenterTutoring Center and Knowledge Market have just the resources for you to ace those exams. 

Ace your exams with help from the University Libraries! Visit the Mary Idema Pew Library in Allendale or the Steelcase Library on the Pew Campus during exam week for special activities!

Finish out the semester strong with the Student Academic Success Center. Follow the road to success with their academic workshops, success coaching, and more! 

GVSU students have  many resources available regarding expectations around integrity of class work and compliance with the course syllabus. We encourage Lakers to become familiar with academic expectations to avoid reduction of grades or course failure. As always, please refer to your course syllabus, and if you have any question about what is/is not acceptable, talk to your professors and consult the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution’s (OSCCR) website

Final exams are among us, which means burning the midnight oil studying. We want to remind you to take care of yourself during this stressful time. Burn off some steam and join Recreation & Wellness for fitness, Esports, and climbing or check in on your mental health with the University Counseling Center!

Take care of yourselves, GVSU Lakers! Many departments have designed a variety of stress-relief activities:

The 8 Dimensions of Wellness

Learning about the 8 Dimensions of Wellness can help you choose how to make wellness a part of your everyday life. 

Emotional Wellness involves expressing your feelings, adjusting to challenges, coping with the stress that life brings, and enjoying your life.

Environmental wellness inspires us to respect our surroundings and involves feeling and being safe in your current environment.

Financial Wellness includes things like your income, savings, and expenses as well as how you understand your financial situation and resources.

Intellectual Wellness includes your educational journey through life including formal classroom learning as well as your hobbies or interests (students orgs, art, reading, learning a new sport, etc.) where you take part in discussions or conversations that you find interesting with others.

Occupational Wellness is your involvement in activities like volunteering, employment, or career preparation.  It also includes your balance between these things and the time you have for things you enjoy like friends, exercising, or whatever you do to relax.

Physical wellness is about making positive choices to maintain a healthy body: from engaging in regular physical activity, sleep, eating nutritious foods, drinking responsibly, and routinely visiting your healthcare providers for regular check-ups.

Social Wellness is about maintaining healthy relationships with your friends, family, and community.  It includes how you spend time in community with others, your social life, and meeting new people.

Spiritual Wellness is about understanding your own values and beliefs and taking time to deepen your spirituality (perhaps by learning about other religions, using your beliefs to guide your decisions, or finding a peaceful place to reflect).

Save money (and make some too!) at the Laker Store

Spring Clearance Event: Markdowns starting at just $5.
April 15 - 20  (Allendale location only).

Book Sell Back: Get cash for used books
April 23 to April 26, between 9 AM - 5 PM (Allendale location only).

Attention upcoming grads!:
Alumni Sale: 20% off Alumni Merchandise 
April 22 - 27 (in-store and online).


student wearing blue Lakers shirt and holding textbooks

Exam Cram

Managing Stress & Building Healthy Habits to Change Use

December 5, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The Alcohol & Other Drugs Services office will be holding a series of webinar topics related to substance abuse, impacts, and issues. Check out the variety of topics and join us via Zoom to get...

Q&A Regarding Substance Use

December 12, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

The Alcohol & Other Drugs Services office will be holding a series of webinar topics related to substance abuse, impacts, and issues. Check out the variety of topics and join us via Zoom to get...

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Exam Cram Shout Out!

Exam Cram would not be possible without the efforts and resources of several programs on campus. We'd like to especially thank the following:

Follow GVSU Libraries on Instagram for more Exam Cram-related content: @GVSULib

Page last modified March 27, 2024