Using the Libraries

We provide support for GVSU students, faculty, and staff online and in-person.
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Services For:

MeLCat is Back!

MeLCat is Back! Banner

Need books GVSU doesn't own? MeLCat is back! Borrow books from libraries across Michigan for free!


LakerCon Banner

Come check out LakerCon, a free three-day comics convention in the library! September 27-29.

Group Study Rooms

Reserve a room for study or meetings.

Print and Scan

Printing and Scanning at the library.

Study Spaces

Find the perfect place to work.


Borrow or find a computer.

Highlights from the University Libraries

Library News

Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week

September 22-28 is Banned Books Week. It is an annual event that highlights the value of free and open access to information.

Sep 23, 2024

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Steelcase Library

Steelcase Library Banner

GVSU’s Steelcase Library, located on the Pew Campus in downtown Grand Rapids, is equal parts traditional library and technologically-advanced learning environment.

Robert H. Merrill photographs

Robert H. Merrill photographs Banner

Photographs, negatives, and lantern slides digitized from the papers of engineer and archaeologist Robert H. Merrill. A Grand Rapids native, Merrill held an accomplished career as a civil engineer. He founded the company Spooner & Merrill, which held offices in Grand Rapids and Chicago. From 1919-1921, Merrill lived in China, working as Assistant Principal Engineer on a reconstruction of the Grand Canal - the oldest and longest canal system in the world. Merrill became fascinated by archaeology, and among other projects, he traveled to the Uxmal Pyramids in Yucatan, Mexico, with a research expedition from Tulane University. Merrill's photo collection includes images of his travels and projects, friends and family.

Page last modified August 29, 2024