Ke'Asha Cargill
Ke'Asha Cargill is a third year student studying Political Science
and Public Administration at Grand Valley. She is a first year fellow
at Cook Leadership and is excited to begin developing and connecting
through the programs and events. She is also a part of many other
leadership organizations on campus such as Student Senate, Student
Ambassador Program, and Student Environmental Coalition. She is also
an RA and spends a ton of time interacting with as many clubs as she
can visit in her free time. Ke'Asha aspires to work in the government
after obtaining her law degree through the LEAP program at MSU Law.
She wants to use her leadership now and in the future to bring
awareness to social issues and injustice in all communities. It is her
goal to be the spark of change and the solution to the problems we
face in our world.