Maddison Reilly
Maddison Reilly is entering her second year in the MPA (Master's in
Public Administration) program and concentrating in policy analysis
and program evaluation. With a proclivity for peeling back the social
and ontological layers of the human experience, Maddison is very
interested in the policy shifts, budgetary decisions, programming
initiatives, demographic trends, and social movements that help
redefine parameters and improve quality of life. Moreover, in terms of
career goals, she is primarily interested in holding an analytical
role within the budgeting & planning division or programming
division of a public-serving (governmental or non-governmental)
organization. After completing her first year as an involved graduate
research assistant, Maddison is eagerly searching for an opportunity
that nicely builds upon the relevant experiences she has been afforded
thus far. Outside of academia, some of her hobbies + interests include
lyrical dance, rollerblading, skiing, and rudimentary physics,
ecology, and astronomy.