Aziz Sarhan Jr.
He is an Extroverted Mechanical Engineering Student, born &
raised in London who is highly motivated to outwork his competition.
He believes he's defined by his work ethic and ability to create bonds
with different people. Often hard on himself, in the hopes that if he
can't be perfect at least he can be excellent. He seeks to be
financially free and accomplishing a feeling of
"completeness" in different aspects of life. These aspects
being intellectually, emotionally, physically & spiritually. He
believes before you can attain the level he aspires to reach you have
to be willing to GRIND and SACRIFICE who you are to become who you
want to be. He intends to cherish the ups and downs which come with
his journey of "completeness". On this journey, he would
like to make as many defining moments as possible. From there, it will
be all about maintaining Balance and Peace.