Adam Prielipp
Adam Prielipp is studying Political Science with Minors in Public
Administration and History with the goal of becoming an Attorney and
counting his mother’s law firm. He is from the small rural community
of Britton in Southeast Michigan and is very much a juxtaposition of
his mother, an attorney, and his father, a farmer. Growing up and
learning social skills at farmers markets, Adam has dedicated much of
his time to his family’s fourth generation 2000-acre family farm and
is part owner in their sixty-six-thousand-foot retail greenhouse which
he manages in the Spring. The dynamics of his upbringing has immersed
Adam in family tradition and higher education, teaching him the
importance of hard work through manual labor and intelligence through
education. Adam hopes to use the CLA to connect and foster
understanding between people of different social groups as his mother
and father did through their marriage. Leadership to Adam is being a
practical visionary, achieving goals via realistic means and hands on
leadership which he has experienced through his fourth-generation
family farm.