Upcoming Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events

2024-2025 Sponsored Teaching and Learning Events

Michigan OER 2024 Conference--The Art of Open Resources

Michigan OER 2024 Conference

  • September 20, 2024
  • Grand Rapids, MI
  • Award Amount: up to $20
  • 10 spots available

This one-day conference is hosted by the MI OER Network and brings together open education practitioners, creators, and advocates from across the state to learn, network, and collaborate to help advance open education in Michigan. 

Keynote Presentation: The Art of Open Resources, Pedagogy and Practice: a balancing act in three parts given by Autumn Caines.

Application Deadline: September 12, 2024.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.

Annual Conference on The First Year Experience

The Annual Conference on the First Year Experience

  • Februrary 16-19, 2025
  • New Orleans, LA
  • Award Amount: up to $2500
  • 5 spots available

The Annual Conference on The First-Year Experience provides an ongoing forum where higher education professionals can share experiences, concerns, and accomplishments related to supporting student learning, development, and success in the first college year. We invite you to be a part of productive collaborations, conversations, and relationships.

Application Deadline: November 14, 2024.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.

AAC&U Annual Meeting--Reaffirming Higher Education's Public Purpose

AAC&U Annual Meeting —Reaffirming Higher Education's Public Purpose

  • January 22-24, 2025
  • Washington, DC
  • Award Amount: up to $2000
  • 5 spots available

Higher education never stands still. Colleges and universities undergo continuous transformation in support of student success. Educational innovations develop in response to changing societal and workforce needs and an increasingly global context. Knowledge and discovery progress inexorably. To sustain this dynamism and advance the educational and democratic purposes of higher education, leaders at all levels must contend successfully with a variety of challenges—often unforeseeable, often daunting. Today, these challenges are mounting rapidly: Unprecedented government overreach and political interference. An upsurge in student and donor activism. Declining public confidence. The uncertain future of democracy. The growing influence of artificial intelligence. A student mental health crisis.

The 2025 Annual Meeting is designed to help higher education leaders navigate these complex challenges while continuing to innovate and maintain focus on higher education as a public good. Join colleagues from institutions of every type and size, leading experts and thinkers, policymakers and philanthropists for in-depth conversations focused on issues of pressing concern for you, your institution, your students, and your communities. Draw strength from a global network of peers committed to equity and excellence in liberal education. Learn about what’s working at other institutions, across the country and around the world, and share what’s happening at your institution. Discover successful models of partnership and collaboration across departments and divisions, institutions and sectors. Find the resources, support, and inspiration you need to move higher education forward in challenging times.

Application Deadline: November 14, 2024.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.

Lilly Conference on Teaching and Learning--Traverse City, MI (October 9-11, 2024)

Lilly Conference-Traverse City, MI

  • October 9-11, 2024
  • Traverse City, MI
  • Award Amount: up to $2000
  • 10 spots available

Lilly-Traverse City is a part of the overall Lilly Conference Series. For nearly 40 years, Lilly Conferences on College and University Teaching and Learning have provided opportunities for the presentation of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Faculty and administrators at various stages in their academic careers come from across the United States, representing nearly every discipline found in higher education. Visit the Lilly Conference Traverse City webpage for more information.

NOTE: Preference given to first-time conference attendees. This conference is ideal for early, mid-, or late-career faculty relatively new to the scholarship of teaching and learning. This grant supports the full cost of attendance and therefore additional CSCE funds should not be sought. 

Application Deadline: September 5, 2024.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

The award amount reflects the anticipated total cost of attendance. Additional expenses above the award amount, including any pre-conference workshops or add-on events, are the responsibility of the participant.

OLC Workshop (open year-round)

OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant
Various Topics and Virtual Workshops Available
No Deadline--Open Year-Round

  • Award Amount: $170
  • Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted year round until funds are depleted.
  • Limited seats available each academic year

The OLC Workshop Sponsored Grant supports faculty enrollment in online courses offered by the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Courses related to digital learning and online/hybrid course design are offered throughout the year. The immersive programs are expert-developed and designed to improve quality in every facet of online education.

Grand Valley State University has an institutional level membership in the OLC and the workshops are a smart and cost effective way to support your continuing professional development. These workshops are a $270 value and the Pew FTLC is able to purchase these course for faculty for $170/seat. We have a limited number of seats available in the workshops which range in length from 10 days to three weeks, and provide opportunities to interact with faculty from a wide variety of institutions. The offerings are designed as online classes so that you may also experience being an online learner. Certificates are issues upon timely completion of all coursework.

Faculty who are interested in participating in OLC workshops should review the list of available topics at https://onlinelearningconsortium.org/learn/olc-new-institute-schedule/.

All faculty (tenure-track, tenured, affiliate, visiting, and adjunct) are eligible to apply.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

Developing and Teaching an Online Class
Magna Publications

Offered throughout the year.  Start at any time!

  • Grant Award: $179
  • 15 slots available

This course is completely asynchronous course can be started at any time. 

Learning Goals:

  • Articulate the differences between face-to-face and online teaching
  • Build and present online courses with confidence
  • Create syllabi, assessments, feedback methods, and other classroom tools based on best practices
  • Use technology to enhance students’ classroom experience and learning outcomes

This course includes ~15 hours of content, activities, worksheets, and additional resources to explore over the one-year access period. The tuition ($159) is covered by the Pew FTLC. 

Faculty choosing this option are also expected to reference the quality standards detailed in the Online/Hybrid Course Peer Review Rubric and learn the basic functions of Blackboard, our learning management system. Review Basic Blackboard competencies here.

For faculty planning to teach online and hybrid courses, this course meets the GVSU competency requirement.  

Principles of Effective College Teaching
Magna Self-Paced Course
Virtual, self-paced, 10-hour course

  • Award Amount: $329
  • Application Deadline: None, apply at any time.
  • 20 spots available

Delivered in a modular format, this 10-hour course is presented by James M. Lang, PhD, acclaimed scholar and author. It is designed for asynchronous learning so you can complete it at your own pace. Grounded in research-based best practices, Principles of Effective College Teaching will first introduce you to fundamental principles of human learning that will guide you as you create and teach your courses. From there, Lang will explain in detail how you can:

  • Craft meaningful learning objectives using Bloom's Taxonomy
  • Manage course content efficiently
  • Create assignments that support course objectives
  • Develop assessment plans and design exams
  • Provide effective feedback and evaluations
  • Enhance learning outcomes through the use of technology and new media
  • Apply active learning strategies
  • Keep your students motivated and engaged
  • Facilitate peer-to-peer learning
  • Manage difficult issues like academic dishonesty and distracted students

Learning checks at regular intervals help affirm your understanding of the course content. You'll also appreciate the extensive supplemental materials included with the course: readings, handouts, full transcripts and links to online resources.

NOTE: The target audience is faculty within their first three years of teaching, but others are encourages to participate.

Apply for this grant via FTLC Grant System

Page last modified June 14, 2024