Learning Community Letter of Intent
Thank you for your interest in facilitating a Pew FTLC Learning Community (LC). The center sponsors a select number of LCs each year that focus on topics of special interest or significance to faculty and make a point of encouraging participants to apply the knowledge gained.
A Faculty Learning Community:
- Should have at least four faculty participants in addition to the facilitator(s). Participants and the facilitator(s) will be invited to apply through the Pew FTLC online grant system. All participants, including the facilitator, will be responsible for submitting a final report describing the impact of their involvement. Participant applications will be accepted up to a week into the semester in which the Learning Community will begin, or until funds for books/supplies are depleted. If the LC is meeting over the course of two semesters, new participants may not be added in the second semester as this is considered one extended conversation.
- Meets at least six times throughout one or two semesters
- Will be publicized by the Pew FTLC once it is approved (unless the LC is designed for a specific group/discipline). The facilitator(s) is also encouraged to send personal e-mail invitations to interested faculty.
As a facilitator, you will be responsible for:
- Providing a name for the LC
- Developing a statement of inquiry (a question that encompasses the objective of the LC, such as “How might we apply the Design Thinking framework in multiple disciplines?”) that may be used for advertising/marketing
- Writing a brief description of the LC (no more than 150 words) to be used for advertising/marketing
- Crafting learning objectives for the LC that will be shared with participants
- Identifying, acquiring, and distributing source materials for participants (Pew FTLC staff can assist)
- Setting up a Blackboard site, if desired (Pew FTLC staff can assist)
- Scheduling meeting times and days
- Reserving space and (optional) food for meetings (Pew FTLC staff can assist)
- Identifying participants
- Approving participants (Pew FTLC staff will assist with this)
- Providing ongoing communication with participants
- Submitting any reimbursement requests to the Pew FTLC
- Submitting an Application and Final Report that summarizes the overall work/impact of the LC
- Deciding whether or not the LC will be part of the FacultyBadges@GVSU digital badges program (Contact Pew FTLC for details or visit our FacultyBadges@GVSU webpage)
To begin the process, please complete the following information at least two weeks prior to the semester in which you would plan to begin the LC.
* denotes a required field