October Rec Star: Maggie Redinger
Please join the Athletic and Recreation Facilities Management in
congratulating Maggie Redinger as our October Rec Star! Throughout the
month of October, she worked over 60 hours as a facility attendant at
the Rec Center. Maggie always shows up ready to work with the biggest
smile on her face, and she brings comforting, uplifting energy to the
workplace. She connects with both coworkers and rec users, reaching
out anytime someone needs help or just offering a sweet midday
compliment. Maggie is always ready to respond to any situation that
she encounters, whether it be a medical emergency or a
physically-demanding court setup. We appreciate her positive attitude
and supportive nature, and we always know we can depend on her for
anything that we need. Please join us in recognizing and thanking
Maggie for all of her contributions to the ARF team. Congratulations, Maggie!