November 2020 Rec Star - Camryn Hokenstad
Congratulations! Please join the Athletic and Recreation Management
in congratulating Camryn Hokenstad on being named the November 2020
Rec Stars! Over the course of November, she was able to work over 50
hours of shifts here at the Rec Center. Not only that, but Camryn
accumulated multiple positive write ups as well. Her willingness to
stay after her shifts and keep the Rec Center fully staffed is greatly
appreciated, especially during this time of uncertainty. Camryn's hard
work and commitment to the Rec Center has shown throughout the
semester, even during the time of the holidays, leading into finals.
Her hard work is not overlooked either, as she was consistently
cleaning, disinfecting, enforcing rules. Her willingness to be
flexible was a great asset as well.
Thank you for your continued hard work and commitment to the Rec
Center during this chaotic semester. Congratulations again!