December Rec Star: Nyla Talton
Please join the Athletic and Recreation Facilities Management in
congratulating Nyla Talton as our December Rec
Star! Congratulations! Over the month of December Nyla has
accumulated over 100 hours working, not to mention the majority of her
shifts being over Winter break! Not only did Nyla put in the hours,
but she came to work every day with a smile on her face and it did not
go unnoticed! Her commitment to the Rec Center, whether it be giving
good customer service, picking up shifts or going above and beyond in
her everyday work tasks is what makes her an excellent employee.
Nyla's dedication to this department and eagerness to learn new things
is a great quality to have! With all that said, lets all thank
Nyla for her diligent work ethic, positive attitude and willingness to
help out! Working over a break is not mandatory, but staff members
like her make it possible for us to stay open in order to serve our
users and community members, which we appreciate immensely! The
facility would not be able to run as smoothly without her help! I know
that our student staff workers and users are always being taken care
of when she is working. Congratulations!