May Rec Star: Kateri Thibodeau
Please join the Athletic and Recreation Facilities Management in
congratulating Kateri Thibodeau as our May Rec Star! Over the month of
May, she has accumulated over 65 hours of work, not to mention the
long, late hours that she put into helping out with overnighters, desk
shifts and office work. Kateri's hard work and dedication throughout
her time working here has been exceptional! She always comes to work
with a smile on her face and ready to work! While working overnighters
is optional, the Rec Center wouldn’t be able to host outside groups
and events with the help of workers like Kateri. With the GA working
directly with her on a day-to-day basis they can truly witness
her work ethic and true love for the job that she does! All of
her hard work that she put in for the overnighters has not gone
unnoticed and it is very much appreciated! Her commitment to show up
to her shifts, while working another job shows what a reliable worker
she truly is! We Thank her for all of her hard work, good ideas and
positive attitude that she brings to the Rec Center. We are so glad to
have her apart of our team and we have no doubt that the sport
management path that she has chosen is right for her! Keep up the good
work and again, Congratulations!