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WEBINAR--Students and Spirituality: Student motivation to do good

Two hands open with the mind's eye in between them--representing spirituality

Date and Time

Thursday, December 6, 2018 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM


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This webinar is an opportunity for Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) and Campus Compact to explore the intersection of faith and service as it relates to student motivation to engage in civic engagement. Dr. Janett Cordovés will introduce the work of IFYC and research they have done around how students in faith communities engage with their campuses and communities through civic engagement. Dr. Cordovés will be joined by staff and students to talk about their experiences.

Led by Dr. Janett Cordovés.

This Campus Compact webinar series is cosponsored by Pew FTLC, Inclusion and Equity, and the Community Service Learning Center.  Each session will be cohosted by GVSU Faculty and Staff.

Campus compact works to share from both research and practice to provide the best tools for building democracy through education and community partnerships. This includes high impact practices for student civic learning and support for the institutional systems, policy, and activities that reinforce that learning and advance the public purposes of higher education. Our coalition is focused on teaching, research, and institutional action in service of the public good.

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Page last modified October 29, 2018