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CANCELLED--Minds that Matter: Attention Deficit Disorder & Learning Disabilities

CANCELLED--Minds that Matter: Attention Deficit Disorder & Learning Disabilities

Date and Time

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


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This event has been CANCELLED.  In compliance with GVSU's prohibition of large group gatherings and participation in non-essential meetings, this Minds That Matter Session has been CANCELLED.  We do hope to reschedule in the future.  Please check back for updates.


Minds that Matter Series- Teaching Strategies for Mental Health and Learning Issues in the Classroom

This session will focus on students with Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities.

College campuses across the United States are grappling with rising numbers of students who experience a range of mental health challenges and learning differences. Campus counseling centers and disability support services are working hard to provide assistance, including individual therapy, group counseling, residence hall support, and accommodations for the classroom required through the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Faculty using traditional teaching methods may inadvertently structure courses that add difficulty for these students. Faculty development sessions will facilitate deeper understanding regarding the nature of these issues, alongside teaching strategies and course design bases in the universal design for learning. Panel presenters are campus experts including faculty, staff, and students.

Panel members will share on the following topics:

  • Description of mental health issue or learning difference
  • Examples of how this issue manifests in the classroom
  • Recommend Universal Design for Learning (UDL) teaching strategies
  • GVSU student(s) presentation of classroom experiences
  • Review of campus resources including Counseling Center and Disability Support Services
  • Questions and discussion

Session objectives:

Participants will gain:

  1. Deeper understanding of each topic
  2. Ways to support students in coursework
  3. Specific Universal Design for Learning teaching strategies
  4. Increased empathy and understanding of student experiences
  5. Identification of campus resources

Facilitated by:  Paula Lancaster (COE) and Patty Stow Bolea (SSW and Pew FTLC)

These sessions will also model effective principles of UDL. Sessions will be on both campus via video link, and recorded video material will be hosted online with slides and handouts on FTLC website.

Session location and registration information coming soon!



[email protected]

(616) 331-3498

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Page last modified March 16, 2020