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What are the best questioning strategies for enhancing online discussions? (Downtown Campus)

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Date and Time

Monday, March 18, 2019 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM


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This session is the next installment in the Twenty Minutes to Better Teaching Series.

Whether you teach face-to-face or in an online/hybrid format, you may be asking students to participate in online discussions. How effective are the discussions? What do students think? Are you happy with the level of student engagement with the discussions?

For each of the topics in this series, we will spend the first 20 minutes of the session watching a 20 Minute Mentor Commons video and then engage in a 30-minute discussion. Registrants will be provided with a link to the video and supporting materials via a dedicated Blackboard site.

The Pew FTLC offers faculty 24-7 access to video-based professional development through our subscription to the 20-Minute Mentor Commons. To browse the digital library content of the 20-Minute Mentor Commons yourself, contact us at [email protected] for an access code and instructions.

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Page last modified February 19, 2019