Upcoming Events

Looking Back, Planning Forward Discussion Group

Looking Back, Planning Forward Discussion Group

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 11, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


You can RSVP for this event





Reflect on the past year. Prepare for what is ahead. Share with and learn from colleagues.

We have been through so much this past year. We have made innumerable decisions–personally, professionally, in support of student learning–and spent a great deal of time reacting to changing circumstances. Over the course of the spring/summer, the Pew FTLC offers an opportunity to pause and reflect together. Are there new practices that you would like to carry forward into the years ahead? What do you want to make sure to leave behind? What will the coming academic year look like? How can be best prepare? These informal monthly discussions will offer additional guided prompts and provide a chance to share with and learn from your colleagues. The discussions are hosted by Patty Stow Bolea and Christine Rener

Register in Sprout to receive the Zoom link; you are welcome to attend one session or several, as desired.  


For more information, please visit: Spring/Summer 2021 Opportunities


[email protected]
(616) 331-3498

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Page last modified May 13, 2021