Past Recipients - Teaching Innovation Grant

Sookkyung Cho, Music

A video about how students at GVSU engaged with the community to teach students how to lead

Community Engagement Music Project

Finding their 'why' as musicians 

Suzanne Zack, Film & Video Production

GVSU students explore careers in Los Angeles during their 2024 Spring Break.

Michael Sciarini, Hospitality and Tourism Management

Professor Sciarini was awarded a Pew Scholar Teacher Grant to take part in the Sloan-C Certificate program.  This program prepares educators to teach and improve online courses using the Sloan-C pillars of quality in online education-learning effectiveness, scale, faculty and student satisfaction, and access. The program consists of a 9-week (online) foundation course and a variety of electives that focus on improving overall competency within a specific area of academic focus while working individually with expert mentors.

Pablo Mahave-Veglia, Music and Dance

The GVSU Early Music Ensemble was awarded a Pew Technology Enhancement Grant to purchase a set of baroque style bows and one baroque style oboe. The objective of this purchase was to expose GVSU students to tools of the trade that are, regrettably, no longer part of mainstream musical instruction. Using the old technology, GVSU Symphony Orchestra was able to include one piece of baroque repertoire in two different concerts this season. Having the opportunity to use both the baroque and the modern tools in the same concert for appropriate works allowed the students to experience the evolving nature of music and its symbiotic relationship with their tools.

Frank Blossom, School of Communications

Professor Blossom was awarded a Pew Scholar Teacher Grant to develop an application-based teaching module that is being used as part of select Advertising and Public Relations classes to teach students the strategy, structure, and content creation for Google AdWords and other current online advertising programs.  Students are developing, analyzing and executing real AdWords campaigns for real businesses, applying the psychology of online search and interpreting online data and analytics.

Page last modified August 26, 2024