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Designing Authentic Assessments

Designing Authentic Assessments

Date and Time

Thursday, June 17, 2021 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


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This event is part of our Course Design Series 2021.

How can we better assess student learning? Equity-minded practice discussion with Dr. Jesse Stommel.

Alternative Approaches to Online (and face-to-face) Assessment: a brief presentation and open discussion

Description: Can we imagine assessment mechanisms that encourage discovery, ones not designed for assessing learning but designed for learning through assessment? Much of our work in education resists being formulated as neat and tidy outcomes, and yet most assessment takes the complexity of human interaction within a learning environment and makes it “machine readable.” When learning is the goal, space should be left for wonder and experimentation. This talk and open discussion will consider the history of grades, examine the bias inherent in many of our systems, and explore methods and approaches for designing assignments and assessments that push back against traditional notions of grading.

We'll start with a short presentation and opportunity for Q&A, setting the stage and laying out questions for us to consider together in an open discussion, drawing on the expertise and practice of everyone present. The session will be focused less on easy answers (or best practices), and more on us working together to find creative, compassionate, generative solutions—and likely more questions.

Jesse Stommel is co-founder of Digital Pedagogy Lab and Hybrid Pedagogy : the journal of critical digital pedagogy. He has a PhD from University of Colorado Boulder. He is co-author of An Urgency of Teachers: the Work of Critical Digital Pedagogy.

Jesse is a documentary filmmaker and teaches courses about pedagogy, film, and new media. Jesse experiments relentlessly with learning interfaces, both digital and analog, and his research focuses on higher education pedagogy, critical digital pedagogy, and assessment. He’s got a rascal pup, Emily, a clever cat, Loki, and a badass daughter, Hazel. He’s online at jessestommel.com and on Twitter @Jessifer.

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(616) 331-3498

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Page last modified June 4, 2021