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Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute (IETI)

Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute (IETI)

Date and Time

Friday, May 14, 2021 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


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This Institute begins on May 14th but meeting three times in total—on May 14, May 18, and June 11.  Participants are expected to attend ALL THREE days.

Inclusive teaching involves a  deliberate effort  by faculty to create a learning environment that attends to and supports he needs of students with a variety of backgrounds, learning interests, and abilities. Inclusive pedagogical strategies shape the dynamics in teaching-learning spaces, affect individual's experiences in those spaces, and influence course and curriculum design. Inclusive teaching attends the range of identities in the classroom and helps all students feel equally valued.

The  Inclusive Excellence Teaching Institute  is specifically designed to provide Affiliate and Tenure-Track faculty at all ranks with a transformative space to learn and strategize about inclusive excellence in teaching and learning. The Institute will encourage an atmosphere of cultural humility through the examination of social identity and bias. Motivational frameworks, barriers to learning for diverse student learners and proactive strategies will also be introduced. Essential pedagogical approaches that promote an inclusive classroom environment will be modeled and explored. Through pre-assigned readings, access to group Bb site, and facilitated discussions, participants will begin the process of transforming their courses/curriculum, units and colleges.

Register in Sprout by May 8, 2021.  Limited to 16 faculty members.


For more information, please visit: Inclusive Excellence


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Page last modified April 13, 2021