Inclusive Focused Upcoming Events

Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act as Part of Inclusion and Equity

Understanding the Americans with Disabilities Act as Part of Inclusion and Equity

Date and Time

Thursday, March 23, 2023 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM


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In an inclusive environment, it is important to understand leading practices concerning communication and accommodation of individuals with disabilities. During this interactive session, participants will briefly review the nuts and bolts of the Americans with Disabilities Act, explore the process for a disability-related accommodation request, and examine inclusive language and conduct for non-disabled allies to implement in everyday life. This session will also look at GVSU’s own model and partnership between its Human Resources Office and Division of Inclusion and Equity. Then we will explore and discuss, through case studies, the recent trends in accommodation requests, pre and post pandemic, for employees in higher education and other industries. 

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the impact of language as it pertains to the topic of disability
  • Recall and implement leading practices for communicating with individuals with disabilities
  • Identify and implement ways to be a better ally for individuals with disabilities, including those who are accompanied by service animals
  • Learn about GVSU’s disability accommodation process
  • Learn about the Americans with Disabilities Act


Kathleen VanderVeen, Ph.D. 
Associate Vice President & Deputy Chief Inclusion and Equity Officer (she/her)

Shontaye Witcher, Ph.D. 
Assistant Vice President for Inclusion and Equity & ADA Compliance Officer (she/her)


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GVSU Inclusion and Equity Institute 

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Page last modified February 28, 2023