Student Org Success Outcomes
Success Outcome Types and Resources
Member Development
Successful student organizations create opportunities for their members to learn about their own strengths and abilities, gain confidence and build a sense of community. The Member Development Outcomes include:

Leadership Capacity and Confidence
The development of members’ self-awareness of their personal values and skills, as well as their belief that they will be successful when engaging in leadership behaviors
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders and members articulate their leadership strengths and areas for growth
- Organization promotes members articulating values and skills in conversations with others
- Leaders and members integrate strengths and weaknesses into their work in the organization
- Organization promotes development through formal and informal recognition systems
Join the The Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy - The program is co-curricular and cross-disciplinary, offering our student fellow candidates unique opportunities for reflection, engagement, and learning with and from a diverse cohort of their peers.
Recieve a Leadership Certificate - Enroll in a course to improve your leadership skills.
Leadership Awards - Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.
Social Perspective Taking
The ability to take another person's point of view and/or accurately infer the thoughts and feelings of others
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders and members ask other one another for their point of view
- Members and leaders actively listen and ask clarifying questions
- Members maturely navigate interpersonal conflicts
Student Ombuds - Request a group presentation as sessions are tailored to your organization on topics that you would like to know more about such as mindfulness, self-care, the Student Ombuds Office, Conflict Resolution, Restorative Justice Circles, Intergroup Dialogues, etc.
Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center - The Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center advocates for institutional equity, promotes community-building, and provides educational opportunities to create an informed, cohesive, and just campus where community members of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender presentations are supported and welcome.
Office of Multicultural Affairs - Our mission is to support efforts in recruiting and retaining diverse students; to educate, engage and empower all students to live in a multicultural world; and to advocate for a socially just campus environment.
Kaufman Interfaith Institute - The spirit of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute is represented in the cooperative programs held in the community to enlighten, inform, and promote inclusivity.
Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity - The Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity’s mission is to create meaningful learning about gender and to advocate for gender justice through the education, engagement, and empowerment of students and the greater GVSU community.
The holistic approach to the promotion of self-care, balanced lifestyles, and member success
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders support holistic wellness as it relates to organization purpose
- Organization connects with campus partners who sponsor wellness development
- Members maintain balance between academic and co-curricular commitments
Recreation & Wellness | Student Wellness - We acknowledge your life as a student. We understand the stresses and challenges, and we know that you're not alone. Knowing that and caring about your individual well-being and your experience as a student, we invite you to prioritize yourself and your well-being.
Organization Operations
Successful student organizations have structures and processes to manage their overall operational effectiveness. The Organization Operations Outcomes include:

Purpose and Goals
A well-defined mission statement that clarifies the overall priorities of the organization, as well as annual goals that identify specific focus areas
Outcomes in practice:
- Members identify with and support organization’s purpose statement
- Organization sets at least two SMART goals annually and actively works towards reaching those goals
- Leaders and members incorporate the purpose into member recruitment and organization programming
Officer Resources and Trainings - Check out all the resources already created for your organization's officers.
SMART Goal Setting - Use this template to creat goals and gain action steps to achieve them.
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Membership Recruitment and Retention
The process of selecting and welcoming new members as well as retaining members for organizational growth and sustainability
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization has a recruitment plan that includes multiple approaches to reaching potential members
- Organization participates in student involvement fairs
- Leaders facilitate positive relationships among members
- Organization implements and maintains a member recognition program
Fall and Winter Campus Life Night - Sign up your organization to attend GVSU's larges events designed to connect students to meaningful involvement experiences.
Tabling - Book a space at the clocktower, in the Kirkhof Lobby, and many more places on campus!
Promotions Office - Utlize some of the free services to develop a polished brand and create recruitment materials.
Leadership Awards - Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Programming - Refer to the programming resources list for further ideas on marketing.
Budgeting and Financial Management
The ability to be financially self-supporting with a well-developed budget that reflects the current and future priorities of the organization
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders establish and monitor operational and programmatic budgets
- Organization sets short- and long-term fiscal plans
- Organization spends funds in alignment with purpose
Sample Budget - Use this template to manage your organization's budget.
Submit a funding request - Apply for supplemental funding support from Student Senate.
How to Write a Check - Learn the proper way to fill out a check.
Financial Wellness - Financial Wellness includes things like your income, savings, and expenses as well as how you understand your financial situation and resources.
MoneySmart Lakers - MoneySmart Lakers empowers students to be financially savvy!
Fundraising and Philanthropy
The utilization of creative and effective practices to raise funds for the organization, as well as skills for purposeful charitable giving
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization develops a creative fundraising plan that supports programming and operational priorities
- Members raise funds for philanthropic causes that align with the organization’s purpose
- Organization seeks sponsorship from local businesses and external entities as needed
Fundraising Resources and Recommendations - Learn best-practices for fundraising and some fundraising ideas, both general and specific to GVSU.
GVSU Give - Search for the area of the university you are most passionate about supporting, or browse all our donor-supported funds.
Plan a Philanthropy Event with University Development - Email [email protected] for assistance in scheduling a meeting.
Fundraising Policy - All revenue-generating activities conducted by RSOs must follow University policies, applicable (fraternity/sorority) Greek Council and/or (inter)national organization policies/procedures, as well as state, local, and federal laws.
The capacity to plan and implement successful programs based on learning outcomes for both members or external audiences
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization sets and follows a realistic planning timeline for ongoing and one-time programs
- Organization utilizes campus resources and policies (i.e. space reservation, catering, funding sources, marketing)
- Members are meaningfully involved in all aspects of program
- Organization utilizes relevant assessment/evaluation practices for debrief and future program success
Check out the Officer's Resource Page - A collection of event tips and timelines.
Creation Station - The Creation Station is located in our room, 0008 Kirkhof. All the supplies are free to use, and include: construction paper, die cuts, poster board, markers, scissors, glue, and more!
- Campus Posting - A collection of tips, policies, and procedures for posting on campus.
- Chalking on Campus - A collection of tips, policies, and procedures for chalking on campus.
GVSU Identity Guidelines - Reach out to [email protected] for assistance.
Kirkhof space reservations - Book a space at the clocktower, in the Kirkhof Lobby, and many more places on campus!
Land Acknowledgement - Include a land acknowledgement before your programs to honor traditional Native inhabitants aof the land on which you gather.
Catering - You can utilize personal funds, organizational funds, or request funding for the use of catering. Student organization receive special discounts through Laker Food Co. including Jet's Pizza.
Scavenger Hunts and Off Campus Facilities Policies
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Leadership Transitions
An intentional process for a seamless transfer of organization responsibilities that builds emerging leaders, prepares incoming leaders, recognizes the work of outgoing leaders, and positions the organization for long-term success
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization implements a structured transition period that includes reflection, shadowing, future planning, budget planning, and information about key position responsibilities
- Leaders keep and pass-on detailed records and transition documents
- Outgoing leaders update contact information in the Student Organization Management System and organization’s bank account
- Leaders identify emerging leaders to be tapped for future roles
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Leadership Transitions Guide - A guide created in 2022 to assist student organizations in leadership transitions.
A leadership and membership structure that best supports the organization’s purpose and holds members accountable for actions
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization sets clear expectations for member conduct and accountability
- Organization operational processes meet the needs of the membership
- Leaders regularly update the constitution to reflect actual operations
Constitution Template - Review your organization's constitution.
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Operational Efficiency
The procedures and processes for regular, efficient, and effective organizational function
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization has regularly scheduled general body and leadership meetings
- Leaders maintain and share detailed records with members
- Organization operates in compliance with university guidelines and regulations
- Organization engages in strategic planning to improve operational efficiency
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
The ability to work effectively with others in a common effort which maximizes shared resources for mutually beneficial outcomes
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization hosts activities to promote collaboration among organization members
- Organization seeks meaningful collaborators that combine fiscal and human resources
- Organization members attend and support other student organizations’ programs
LakerLink - Check out LakerLink to see what organizations are active and to gather contact information.
Responsiveness and Innovation
A readiness to reflect on past successes and challenges, to evolve and meet the changing needs of members and the surrounding community
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization solicits feedback from leaders and members on their experiences
- Organization promotes a creative approach to operations and programming
- Members are encouraged to pursue new ideas
Leadership Awards - Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.
Constitution Template - Review your organization's constitution.
Diversity and Inclusion
A dynamic process of involving individuals from different backgrounds to create an environment where they feel a sense of belonging and support across identity and difference
Outcomes in practice:
- Members build awareness of and articulate their own social identities
- Members consider how identity impacts interpersonal relationships
- Members seek out cross-cultural experiences and dialogue
- Organization incorporates inclusive language and practices into guiding documents, operations, and programming
Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center - The Milton E. Ford LGBT Resource Center advocates for institutional equity, promotes community-building, and provides educational opportunities to create an informed, cohesive, and just campus where community members of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender presentations are supported and welcome.
Office of Multicultural Affairs - Our mission is to support efforts in recruiting and retaining diverse students; to educate, engage and empower all students to live in a multicultural world; and to advocate for a socially just campus environment.
Kaufman Interfaith Institute - The spirit of the Kaufman Interfaith Institute is represented in the cooperative programs held in the community to enlighten, inform, and promote inclusivity.
Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity - The Gayle R. Davis Center for Women and Gender Equity’s mission is to create meaningful learning about gender and to advocate for gender justice through the education, engagement, and empowerment of students and the greater GVSU community.
Risk Reduction
The assessment and reduction of accidental harm or loss through proactive safety measures and response plans
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders are familiar with and follow university policies and processes;
- Organization examines membership process for potential hazing implications
- Organization reports any hazing or other harmful behaviors
- Organization develops emergency action plans for programs
- Organization follows risk reduction recommendations including related to liability insurance, food safety, and travel
Student Organization Disciplinary Status - The Office of Student Life, in partnership with the Office of Student Conduct, provide the information below to disclose the current disciplinary status and history of Registered Student Organizations at Grand Valley State University.
Student Organization Misconduct - In order to facilitate student development, student organizations are expected to maintain high academic and behavioral standards within the Grand Valley State University community.
The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution - The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) is grounded in restorative practices, social justice, and education. We recognize that conflict is inevitable in relationships. We support our university by teaching skills for effective conflict management through educational workshops and by offering various pathways to resolution when harm has occurred. STUDENT CODE: THE ANCHOR OF STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (STU)
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Advisor Partnerships
The collaborative process through which student organization leaders and advisor(s) work to meet the purpose and goals of the organization and larger university
Outcomes in practice:
- Leaders meet with advisor(s) on a consistent basis; organization establishes standards of communication with advisors
- Advisors attend organization meetings and programs
- Organization shares successes and failures with the advisor
- Organization balances student autonomy with advisor involvement in decision making
- Organization actively involves advisor during leadership transitions
Advisor Check-In - Use this as a foundation for a conversation about the advising partnership.
Community Engagement
Successful student organizations foster engagement and contribute to communities larger than themselves. The Community Engagement Outcomes include:

Connection to Student Organizations
The dedication to one’s organization and the larger student organization community as a diverse and inclusive network where students can find their place to belong
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization promotes the variety of student organizations at GVSU
- Organization connects and collaborates with other organizations
- Organization participates in larger student organization programming and trainings
Fall and Winter Campus Life Night - Sign up your organization to attend GVSU's larges events designed to connect students to meaningful involvement experiences.
Office of Student Life - The GVSU Office of Student Life empowers students to discover their passions while building inclusive communities of belonging through experiential learning in campus programming, civic engagement, and student organizations.
Leadership Awards - Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Programming - Refer to the programming resources list for further ideas on marketing.
Affinity with the University
The organization’s spirit of connection to Ohio State and commitment to a lasting relationship between the student organization, its members, and the university community
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization aligns operations and programs with GVSU’s mission and values
- Organization develops an organization connects with key campus stakeholders
- Leaders sustain relationship with alumnae and maintain alumnae records
- Organization has a presence at campus signature and traditional events
Fall and Winter Campus Life Night - Sign up your organization to attend GVSU's larges events designed to connect students to meaningful involvement experiences.
Leadership Awards - Nominate a member for an award to encourage them to see their own success with your organization.
Campus Activities Board - CAB was formed as a combination of the former Laker Traditions Team and Spotlight Productions. Our events range from Homecoming and Spring Concert to craft nights and coffeehouse style live music.
Student Org Success Coaches - Meet with a coach to creation action-based goals for your organization's growth.
Programming - Refer to the programming resources list for further ideas on marketing.
Commitment to Social Change
A responsible relationship with the community, built by working interdependently with others to address social issues on a local, national, and/or global scale
Outcomes in practice:
- Organization participates in community-engaged learning
- Organization promotes active dialogues on contemporary issues
- Organization builds partnerships with groups working towards social change
- Members critically reflect on the impact of organizational operations and programming on a local, national, and global scale
Division of Inclusion and Equity - The division coordinates sustainable and strategic institutional efforts to engage all members of the community while also intentionally supporting and advocating for historically underrepresented communities.
Civic Engagement - The Office of Student Life: Civic Engagement consultants, graduate assistant, and full-time staff are available for both presentations and one-on-one (or small group) consultations. We welcome the opportunity to work with student organizations, individual students, classes, and campus departments. This also includes GVSU Votes! and Democracy 101