How it works

Get posters stamped

To get approved and stamped, bring your posters to the appropriate office (see Allendale Posting and Downtown Posting pages for locations).

Know where you can post

Different types of posters must go on different boards. You can post 1 poster on each board.


You can either post the posters yourself for free, or the Promotions Office can post them for $10.

About Campus Posting

Posting Rules and Procedures

The Campus Posting Policy for all Grand Valley State University Campuses was developed to provide a uniform and fair posting method. Groups, organizations, individuals and/or businesses are responsible for the knowledge of these policies.

Posters can be on the boards for up to 1 month. When you stamp your posters, the date on the stamp will be set 1 month in the future.

If you have any questions, please contact the Promotions Office at (616) 331-2340. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, on boards labeled "General" only. You must adhere to the same rules as GVSU related organizations, including content and amount of flyers per board.

Yes, on the 3 boards labeled "Housing Opportunity" only. You cannot post housing options on the General Boards. You must adhere to the same rules as GVSU related organizations, including content and amount of flyers per board.

No. If you would like your posters to stay up after the expiration date, you must re-print them and have them stamped with a new date—stamps will only be set up to one month in the future.

Thousands of posters are posted each semester and there isn't room on the boards to leave posters up for more than a month, so we have this policy in place to keep content fresh and make sure there's enough room for everyone's posters to be seen.

You cannot fax us fliers, but you can mail them and we will post them for $10. We can also print posters for you (for a fee).

You can bring your own stapler or push pins, or borrow a stapler from the Creation Station (located in 0008 Kirkhof).

Board Label definitions

Who can post here: a GVSU department or Registered Student Organization (RSO).

Types of posters allowed: 

  • Posters promoting on-campus events or off-campus events that are sponsored by the University 
  • Posters promoting a specific GVSU department/organization or Registered Student Organization
  • Posters otherwise encouraging on-campus involvement

Who can post here: GVSU departments, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), students, and community members outside of GVSU  

Types of posters allowed:

  • Posters that are allowed on Campus Boards (see above)
  • Posters promoting community events/opportunities (Job listings, local events, advertisements, etc.) 

Note: Housing posters (off-campus rooms/houses/apartments for rent) are not allowed on General Boards.


Who can post here: Anyone promoting off-campus housing options 

Types of posters allowed:

  • Posters advertising off-campus rooms, apartments, and houses for rent 

Who can post here: Housing Staff 

Types of posters allowed:

  • Any poster permitted on Campus Boards (see above)

Housing Boards are located in the common areas of each living center. To post to Housing, you must bring your posters to the Promotions Office and we will post them for a $10 fee.


Who can post here: Academic departments 

Types of posters allowed:

  • Posters permitted by the faculty/staff of each academic department 

Note: The Promotions Office has no affiliation with these boards. You must contact the department to post there.


Page last modified August 27, 2024