Traffic, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Safety Tips
GVPD Safety Tip: Michigan Hands-free law
Watch this video for more information on the new Michigan Hands-free Law which went into effect June 30, 2023. A detailed print guide published by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning is also available for download.

Bicycle Safety Tips for Motorists
In all states, cyclists are considered by law to be drivers of vehicles and are entitled to the same rights on the road as motorists. Treat them as you would any slow-moving vehicle.
- Wait until it is safe to pass a bicycle and abstain from tailgating.
- Give cyclists the right of way when the situation calls for it.
- Allow extra time for cyclists to go through intersections.
- Recognize road hazards that may be dangerous for cyclists and give cyclists the required space to deal with them.
- Watch out for cyclists when you are making a left or right turn.
- When backing out of your driveway always look to see if someone is riding in your path.
Additional reference link:
Pedestrian & Bicyclist Safety
- Look both ways before you cross in the crosswalk, and keep looking as you cross.
- Do not assume that because you can see the driver, the driver can see you or will automatically stop for you.
- Wear bright reflective clothing at night, in the evening, in the early morning hours, and during inclement weather.
- Learn the rules of the road and obey all traffic laws.
- Check for traffic. Always be aware of the traffic around you.
- If crossing in a crosswalk, bicyclists must come to a complete stop and look both ways before proceeding through the crosswalk.
- Protect your head. Wear a helmet.

Distracted Driving
"73 Percent of American drivers admit to texting while driving."
"More than 3,000 Americans die each year due to distracted driving"
Tips to Limit Phone Use While Driving:
- Put your phone out of reach while you are driving.
- Engage audible navigation systems or mount your phone at eye-level on the dash to use navigation.
- Enable "Do Not Disturb While Driving" mode if available.
- Make the road your priority. Pull over if you need to use your phone for any reason.
Michigan Law
- Michigan law states "a person shall not read, manually type, or send a text message on a wireless 2-way communication device that is located in the person's hand or in the person's lap, including a wireless telephone used in cellular telephone service or personal communication service, while operating a motor vehicle that is moving on a highway or street in this state." (With few exceptions). MCL 257.602b
- First offense, $100 fine (does not include court costs)
- Second/subsequent offense, $200 fine (does not include court costs)