Sponsored Police Recruit

Police officer putting a police vest on Louie the Laker

What is a Sponsored Police Recruit?

A sponsored police recruit is a Grand Valley State University Police Department employee sponsored to attend a The Grand Valley Police Academy. Upon successful completion of the police academy and licensing through MCOLES, the recruit will be reclassified to a Police Officer. Sponsored police recruits will be paid an hourly wage and receive benefits while attending the academy. GVPD will cover the police academy tuition and other directly related costs. 



  • Must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be a citizen of the United States at the time of testing.
  • Must have a high school diploma or GED. 
  • Must have a valid Michigan driver's license. 
  • Must not have any felony convictions or certain misdemeanor convictions. 
Female police officer raising right hand to swear to oath of office administered by President Mantella


Effective 6/1/2024

Starting recruit pay:


Upon successful completion of the police academy: 

Starting officer pay: 

Top officer pay: 

Police cruiser with fall colored trees in the background


Benefits for full time employees include: 

  • Overtime
  • Sick leave
  • Exercise/Wellness Release Time
  • Tuition Waiver/Reduction
  • Parental Leave
  • Vacation Leave
  • Holiday Leave
  • Senior Officer Pay
  • Health/Dental Coverage
  • Death Benefit & Insurance
  • Retirement Benefits
  • Long Term Disability

Please visit the Police Officer Salary & Benefits page for further details on these benefits. 

Police officer in front of a cruiser smiling

Hiring Process

  1. Fill out an application at www.gvsu.edu/jobs. Search for the Sponsored Police Recruit posting. 
  2. GVPD will contact you for an oral board interview. 
  3. Complete the MCOLES Physical Agility and Reading & Writing Test
  4. Complete & submit a personal history packet. 
  5. Background pre-screen. 
  6. Background investigation. 
  7. Administrative review. 
  8. Chief's interview. 
  9. Conditional offer. 
  10. Physical & psychological exam. 
  11. Meet Police Academy entrance requirements. 
  12. Attend police academy orientation. 
  13. Successfully complete police academy. 
  14. Reclassified to police officer. 

Page last modified February 5, 2025