Professional MBA Curriculum
The part-time Seidman Professional MBA curriculum takes business fundamentals to the next level of leadership application utilizing a hierarchy of learning where each class builds on the previous. Experienced faculty will bring proven business theory and principles together with applied learning opportunities, allowing candidates to practice extending their impact to leading and influencing others. Includes a comprehensive core addressing all major business disciplines and key leadership skillsets. Non-business majors may be required to fulfill Professional MBA Foundational Competencies. Credits: 36
MBA Students take classes during the regular academic year (late August through April) with time off for standard breaks (holidays and spring break). They also attend classes during the spring session (early May through late June), but have time off to rest and recharge for the balance of the summer (late June through late August).
The part-time Seidman Professional MBA program is structured to support a work-life balance that includes career, family and community responsibilities.
View PMBA Program Overview
(Fall or Winter Start)
Professional MBA Courses
Provides formal analytical tools useful in identifying business problems and identifying and choosing from a variety of solutions. Emphasis is placed on data analysis, goal and stakeholder identification, and conceptualizing, conducting, and evaluating data-based decisions. Credits: 1
Examines the role of information, business intelligence, and management information systems in facilitating and integrating organizational processes. Also, provides an understanding of the strategic role of information systems in organizations and the responsibilities of managers to effectively manage their information resources. Credits: 2
Provides an overview of financial and managerial accounting tools and information. Focuses on interpreting and analyzing financial statements as a source of information for managers, evaluating information from financial statements for improved critical thinking and decision-making, and using accounting information for internal planning and control purposes. Credits: 3
Focuses on the application of financial techniques, issues, and concepts to optimize the value of the firm. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving and decision-making in the practice of financial management. Topics include financial statement analysis, risk and return, capital budgeting and structure, and the role of global financial markets. Credits: 3
Explores how to improve as a leader through diagnosing organizational problems and developing solutions with individuals and groups as organizational resources. The course also addresses issues of individual, group, and organizational change from a strategic, problem-solving perspective. Credits: 3
Develops an analytical framework to understand the economics of production, consumer demand, supply and demand analysis, industry structure and performance, pricing strategies, the economics of business organizations, and government policy. Credits: 3
Examines the role of markets and marketing in the business environment. Provides the knowledge and tools needed to analyze product and service markets and develop marketing strategies to create sustainable competitive advantages. Credits: 3
Examines how organizations execute sourcing, operations, logistics, and marketing and sales to maximize value for the business and its exchange partners. Emphasis is placed on operational performance, customer service outcomes, financial profitability, and organizational learning. Credits: 3
Provides students with tools to assess and develop their strengths
and areas of improvement as a leader. Class is credit/no credit.
Offered every semester. Prerequisites: Admission to the M.B.A. program
and permission of the graduate program director.
1.000 Credit hours
Focuses on the laws and regulations that affect business decisions. Students will develop an understanding of the legal and regulatory environment, compliance, and the assessment of risk. Credits: 1
Provides a framework for understanding teams and will improve students’ ability to work in groups. Illustrates areas of team development, participant roles, and culture. Credits: 1
Explores ethics and leadership as they are commonly encountered in modern business settings. Students will study ethics and leadership from historical, philosophical points of view with attention to issues of decision-making, organizational governance, and social responsibility. Credits: 1.5
Builds on the material presented in MBA 677 and explores ethics and leadership as they are commonly encountered in modern business settings. Students will study ethics and leadership from psychological points of view with greater attention to issues of character and social responsibility. Offered spring/summer semester. Prerequisites: MBA 677, admission to the MBA program, and permission of the graduate program director. Credits: 1.5
Students learn about the specific tasks for which all leaders are
responsible and apply them to their current work situation. Students
also learn about leadership aspects such as community leadership, how
to have difficult conversations with team members, change management,
communication skills, and conflict resolution. Class is credit/no
credit. Offered every semester. Prerequisites: MBA 674 and admission
to the M.B.A. program and permission of the graduate program
1.000 Credit hours
Provides students with the framework to develop a managerial-level strategic, customer-centric, and systemic perspective for evaluating business options and decision-making. Credits: 1
Examines strategic decision-making to improve organizational competitiveness and sustainability. Develops an analytical toolkit of concepts, frameworks, and techniques for an integrative strategic analysis. Provides a faculty-supervised consulting experience where students will apply business knowledge acquired in the MBA program to pre-identified strategic problems faced by local, regional or global organizations. Credits: 6
Provides the opportunity for oral and written presentation of the projects completed in MBA 683 to the companies involved and faculty. A written report and oral presentation are required. Credits: 1
*International students may have to take more than 36 credit hours to complete the Professional MBA program to remain in compliance with their Visa.
Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR)
All GVSU graduate students are also required to complete online modules on Responsible Conduct of Research Training (RCR). Complete the Training HERE. Seidman graduate students are required to complete the following (3) modules: Data Management, Plagiarism, & CITI Conflict of Interest.