Supplier Diversity

A Commitment to Supplier Diversity at Grand Valley State University
Grand Valley State University’s Supplier Diversity Program is intended to build an awareness of what inclusive purchasing means to our University and provide information on the vast variety of minority owned businesses that are available locally, regionally and in neighboring states. The University’s goal is to increase participation with these companies through expanding and extending business opportunities when requesting quotes, bids or formal proposals. Additionally, inclusive purchasing practices offer GVSU an opportunity to assist in cultural change through building community and assisting in creating business success.
Mission: Supply our students, faculty, and staff with reliable, quality goods, and services that meet and or exceed expectations through inclusive purchasing practices.
Vision: To have a diverse data base of suppliers that represents and is a reflection of our diverse campus community which creates business success for both our suppliers and University.
Article: President's supplier diversity statement aids inclusive campus environment
Read the full University Commitment statement issued by President Mantella
“We must establish bold goals to grow our supplier diversity program by spreading and sharing business opportunities and taking this responsibility as a top priority in contracting and purchasing.”
President Philomena V. Mantella
Support Supplier Diversity at GVSU
We have tools available to help faculty & staff search for minority owned vendors to do business with. Departments are encouraged to seek out minority owned vendors whenever possible in order to be more inclusive in our spending and support GVSU's mission of Supplier Diversity. Please reach out to the Procurement Services office for more information or if you have any questions.
Professional Affiliations and Resources
Striving to maintain a diverse resource of qualified vendors in our procurement process is fundamental. Therefore, we value the partnerships already established and welcome the opportunity to develop new successful business relationships. To assist in achieving the goals of our Supplier Diversity Program, GVSU is affiliated with the following organizations:
- APACC (Asian Pacific American Chamber of Commerce)
- Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
- MMSDC (Michigan Minority Supplier Development Council)
- WMPPA (West Michigan Public Purchasing Alliance)
- SBTDC (Small Business and Technology Development Center)
- GLWBC (Great Lakes Women's Business Council)
- E&I (Educational and Institutional) Cooperative Services
- Pure Michigan Business Connect
- MiDiCo (Michigan Diversity Connections)
- NNASC (National Native American Supplier Council)
- NMSDC -EIG (National Minority Supplier Development Council - Education Industry Group)