ESL & Non-Native English Writing and Literacy Support
The Writing Center aims to support any writer at any stage of the writing process. We train our consultants to provide strategies, information, and resources for writers wanting support in language or literacy skills -- this includes writers learning how to compose in varieties of English, writers learning English as an additional language, or writers with interest in supporting their reading process along the way.
The Writing Center has services and resources meant to assist any student with personal writing projects in equitable, diverse, and empowering ways. Though our services are always individualized based on the needs of the writer, if you are an ESL, ELL, L2, Multilingual, or Non-native English speaking writer on campus AND you'd like more information about how we can assist you and your goals, then this page is for you!

How can the Writing Center help you?
Our consultants are trained to be curious readers, who can ask deep questions about content, clarify moments of confusion from a reader's perspective, provide examples and resources for how to clarify the written components, and have genuine conversations about topics, presentation, and sources. The writing center also staffs a TESOL graduate assistant who is ready and available to work with you for both in-person and online services. While they won't judge you or your ideas, grade your paper, or teach you content, writing consultants will listen and do their best to help you through asking questions and helping you set personalized goals.
Writing consultants are trained to be adaptive and flexible; we're here to help you wherever you are, and we can't wait to work with you!
Consultation Types
The Writing Center offers multiple service types to meet and assist every writer, but we also have different types of consultations as well: Drop-ins, Appointments, Extended Appointments, and Weekly Appointments.
Browse through the information below to learn about the different types of consultations that are available to you!

As a Grand Valley student, you are able to do a 30 minute virtual drop-in consultation at any time during our open hours. All you have to do is log into Book It with your Blackboard username and password and click "Virtual Dropin" on the top navigation bar.
This is a first-come-first-serve service, so once a consultant is available, they will reach out to you through Book It and your GVSU student email. You can then join your writing consultant for your session through clicking the "Enter Appointment" button in Book It!
Scheduled Appointments
Another option you have is to set a specific date and time to meet with a consultant. For 30 minutes, you can meet with a consultant to discuss your project goals and review your draft.
Log into Book It today to schedule your consultation!
Extended Appointments
In addition, as an ESL student or Non-native speaker of English, you are able to have access to extended appointments. This 50 minute session guarantees you more time to work at your own pace and extra time to discuss your concerns and ideas with your writing consultant. Our scheduling system Book It works through a series of permissions; fill out an Additional Services Request form or contact Patrick Johnson, Writing Center Director to see about adding 50 minute consultations to your Book It account.
Weekly Appointments
A unique service available to you is the Writing Center Weekly Appointment. The weekly appointment allows for students to get weekly, dedicated, predictable support from the same consultant for 50-minute sessions each time. These relationships guarantee face-to-face time with a consultant, who can build upon conversations, lessons, and support from week to week. Typical reasons for getting weekly appointments include:
- Slower pacing for typical session content
- More time for instructional support
- Dedicated support from the same person
- Professor recommendation
- Consultant recommendation
Click the picture on the right to learn more about weekly appointments! To sign up, fill out an Additional Services Request form or contact Patrick Johnson, Writing Center Director ([email protected]) for any questions or concerns.
Learn More
Online Services
Not only does the Writing Center offer in-person services, but we also have a selection of online service options to help meet you where you are.
The Writing Center offers virtual drop-in and appointment consultations that can collaborate with other Knowledge Market peer consulting services, and also offers email consultations for those who are unable to meet online and have a session with a writing consultant in real time.
To learn more about our online service options and our scheduling system Book It, click the image on the right!
Writing Resources
In addition to consultation services, the Writing Center has a wide array of writing resources available to help you as you work on your project. These resources offer you the chance to explore quick references and explanations in-between visiting the Writing Center for consultations, or as you continue to work on your project individually.
Our resources range from videos to printable, illustrated handouts and genre guides, and topics cover grammar concepts, revision methods, attention to audience, and more!
Click on the image to explore our collection of writing resources!
Language Rights
The Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors accepts, validates, and promotes all language varieties represented by the students we serve. In partnership with multiple departments, programs, and services across campus, we have developed a statement on Linguistic Diversity and the importance of one's mother tongue.
Click the image on the right to learn more about our belief in the importance of Linguistic Diversity and the steps the Writing Center is taking to emphasize and promote an individual's home language in the Writing Center space and in each consultation.