Knowledge Market
During the Fall 2020 semester, all Knowledge Market services will only be offered online. View the Knowledge Market online hours here, and log into Book It to create an appointment with a Writing, Speech, or Research Consultant. You can also speak with the Virtual Knowledge Market Receptionist for help with any questions or concerns.
Browse the information below to learn more about each Knowledge Market Service.
We look forward to working with you!
The Knowledge Market has highly-trained fellow students who can help you improve your skills. Our Consultants work one-on-one or in small groups to help develop your research strategies, writing skills, or polish your presentations.
Writing Consultants work alongside the Speech Consultants and Research Consultants in order to best assist students in their interdisciplinary work. These collaborative sessions work similarly to the traditional one-to-one writing consultation; however, through having a writing consultation in the Knowledge Market, you have the ability to include Research and Speech Consultants into your writing session for help with any questions or figuring out the next steps for your project.
To learn more, browse the information below or click on the image to the right to visit the Knowledge Market website.


What is it?
Students seeking feedback on research, writing, or presentations can work with peer consultants from the Speech Lab, Library Peer Research, and Writing Center services, in one location. All three services are available in the Mary Idema Pew Library, Steelcase Library, and online through our Virtual Knowledge Market.
Where is it?
The Allendale Knowledge Market: located on the first floor of the Mary Idema Pew Library and Information Center around the corner from GV Brew
The Steelcase Knowledge Market: located in the Collaboration Zone on the first floor of Building A around the corner from the Steelcase Library
The Virtual Knowledge Market: go through the virtual front door and a receptionist will be ready and waiting to help you with your next steps
How does it work?
Students can make appointments for the individual services (speech, writing, and research) through Book It. Log in to Book It to schedule an appointment, or visit the Virtual Knowledge Market receptionist today to get started.
Available Services
Writing, Speech, and Research consultants can help you at any stage of your project or presentation. Want to learn more about each service? Watch the videos below, or speak to the Virtual Knowledge Market receptionist to see which service can help you today.