Eunice Lopez-Martin

Eunice Lopez-Martin

Eunice Lopez-Martin, a recent MBA graduate from Seidman College of Business.

How did the Seidman MBA program assist you in achieving your career goals?

 Choosing to go back to school and obtain my MBA was one of the best decisions I could’ve made towards my future career (cliché I know). It has allowed me to change and evolve both as a servant and as an adaptive leader. The MBA program really gave me new tools and resources on how to be successful in my career and in my work within the community. It also allowed me to see the power of networking and building up those skill sets to keep climbing the career ladder.

What were some of the challenges that you encountered while in the MBA program?

One of the biggest challenges that I encountered in the MBA program was getting back into the routine of school and homework. As a full-time professional and a mom, it was hard in the beginning to organize myself and incorporate my homework into my every day routine. But staying organized and being part of a cohort really allowed me to stay on track and not miss any deadlines.

As you move along your career path, what opportunities have been presented to you as a Seidman alum?

The first Board of Directors that I joined was the GVSU Seidman Alumni Board. This gave me my first real opportunity at networking and getting to know other Seidman alum across different organizations and industries. In West Michigan there are so many of us (great) Seidman Alum and simply stating that you’re an alum in your intro to other professionals started to open up opportunities that I had not considered before. Attending Seidman Alumni socials also allowed me to meet other professionals like myself, and form friendships both professionally and personally that I have cherished and appreciate throughout the years.

Are there any words of wisdom that you would like to share with those that are thinking about pursuing their MBA or other Seidman graduate degree?

Just three words. Just do it! So many hold back on getting their MBA or any other degree due to how long it will take them to complete (I was one of those people) but failed to realize that it takes two years to complete the MBA and if you don’t do it now, two years will have passed by you in no time and you will still be there wondering if you should’ve done it. Time waits for no one so JUST DO IT.

If you could speak to your “student self”, what would be the one piece of advice that you wish someone would have shared with you?

Network, network, network. What you know is as important as who you know. In my undergrad time I didn’t think networking was as important, but boy was I wrong. It was through networking that I heard about my new job (that I currently hold), how ultimately, I became a Steelcase employee and being asked to be a part of multiple Board of Directors. If it wasn’t for intentional networking and being part of some amazing organizations, I would not have realized the power of networking.

Page last modified December 8, 2022