Parallel Planning

Some majors at GVSU require you to apply to the program itself; this is called a secondary admit program. These majors may require a certain GPA, or may accept a limited number of students and thus have a competitive application process. Parallel plans create options in the event that an application is not accepted or the student decides to choose a different career path.

Getting Started

If you think you need a parallel plan but you are not sure where to start, begin by choosing the statement listed below that best aligns with where you feel you are currently.  Choosing one of these statements as a starting point will help you move forward with the next steps in your parallel plan.

I Just Want Something in Healthcare

You are taking courses in healthcare and you are confident you want to pursue something in healthcare as your parallel plan.

I'm Open to Doing Things Outside of Healthcare

 You are currently pursuing healthcare, and you are open to exploring other majors and careers pathways for my parallel plan.

I Only Want My Current Major/Career Plan

You are committed to your current healthcare major/career plan, and need to explore all options to make this possible.

I Want to Graduate ASAP

You’ve been progressing through your degree, and you are open to exploring academic and/or career options that will lead you to the quickest route to graduation.

I Just Want Something in Healthcare

  • Yes, I have explored other healthcare careers.
    • Great!  Identify which professions you are interested in.
    • Review career path requirements.
    • Meet with your academic advisor to confirm your academic plans.
    • Schedule an appointment with a career advisor if you have questions about how to gain experience or connect with your new career path.
    • Join a Career Community to receive healthcare information from the Career Center.
    • Determine if you need a parallel plan.
  • No, I have not explored other healthcare careers.
    • Utilize online resources to learn about alternative healthcare careers:
    • Consider if you would like a clinical or non-clinical career pathway.
    • Interview or job shadow professionals in your field.
    • Healthcare career pathways often have specific requirements.  Gain an understanding of what the academic requirements and professional training required.
    • Schedule a meeting with an academic advisor if you have questions about your class schedule.  Talk with your advisor about how your previous and current coursework will align with any alternative majors or careers you are considering.  Ask your advisor to create a potential class schedule if you have any parallel plans you are considering.  For example- if you are currently a nursing major, and you are considering a social work as your parallel plan, you can ask your advisor "what would my schedule look like if I changed my major to social work."  You can then evaluate how this potential major change would impact your academic timeline.  
    • Join a career community and talk with a career advisor about any career questions you may have.
  • Yes, I do have healthcare experience.
    • Great!  Continue gaining experience to develop as a healthcare professional.  Consider gaining experience in different settings, working with different populations, and enhancing your skill set. Join a career community to receive information about upcoming healthcare opportunities.
    • If you will be applying to a program or job, review the requirements and assess if you need to gain further experience or skills within healthcare.
  • No, I do not have healthcare experience.
    • If you are considering a direct patient care career in the future, try to obtain an entry level job in direct patient care. You can search for positions on Handshake and through healthcare organization websites.
    • Complete a job shadow and connect with volunteer opportunities.
    • Check out the healthcare experience resource to identify paid and volunteer healthcare opportunities. Join a Career Community to learn about upcoming professional opportunities.
    • Document your hours in case you need a record for a future program application.

I'm Open to Doing Things Outside of Healthcare

  • Take the PathwaysU assessment if you are uncertain where to begin.  Read your results and further explore the careers you would like to learn more about.  Schedule an appointment with a career advisor to interpret your results.
  • Check out resources like What Can I Do With This Major and Career Guides.  See what career opportunities are available with various majors.  
  • Explore industries: 
  • No, I like my major and plan to keep it.
    • Majors can translate to different industries.  Assess what experience can translate to your new area/industry of interest.
    • Identify what experiences and skills you need to gain to move forward in your new industry.
    • Talk with your academic advisor to confirm you are on time to graduate.  If you have any room for electives, consider taking courses that would help you gain knowledge and skills that would help you transition to your new industry.  Check out this list of strategic electives and skill building resources.
    • Consider completing an internship.
    • Identify employers where you could work in the future.
  • Yes, I’d like to change my major

I Only Want My Current Major/Career Plan

  • Yes, it is.
    • Are you willing to re-apply to your program?
      • Yes, I plan to apply again if I’m not admitted.
        • Talk with an academic advisor to set up your schedule for the upcoming semesters.
        • If you have gaps in your schedule, consider taking some parallel planning elective courses.  
        • Identify ways to make yourself a more competitive applicant for the next application cycle.  
      • No, I do not plan to re-apply to my program?
        • Are you considering applying/ transferring to another school that has your program?
          • Research programs you might apply to.
          • Be sure to meet with advisors from that school learn about requirements and transfer credits.
        • Do you want to continue with schooling?
          • GVSU offers a variety of majors that can lead to engaging careers.  Talk with a career advisor to learn more if you are seeking more information.
  • No, my program is not a secondary admit program.
    • Consider what other career paths you could pursue with your current major.
    • Could you meet this career path with another major?
    • Are there other approaches to this career path that you haven’t considered?
    • Are there other closely related occupations you should be considering?
  • What is your timeline?

I Want to Graduate ASAP

  • Yes, I have.
    • Determine when you are able to graduate.
  • No, I have not.
  • Yes, I like my major and want to keep it.
  • No, I would like to change my major.
  • Yes, I do have experience in the field.
    • Make sure your resume is up to date.
    • Assess where you need to gain more experience.
    • Continue to network.
      • Attend events in your industry.
      • Talk with professionals in your industry.
      • Create a LinkedIn profile and begin expanding your network.
  • No, I don’t have experience in the field .  I’m not sure what to do.
    • Assess what skills and experiences you need to obtain by doing career research utilizing online career resources.
    • Talk with professionals in the industry and gain their suggestions.
    • Find an entry level position or internship in your field of interest.
    • Volunteer in your industry.
    • Network with professionals in your field.
      • Attend events in your industry.
      • Talk with professionals in your industry.
      • Create a LinkedIn profile.
      • Follow industry professionals/organizations on social media.
    • Join a career community to receive regular communication about upcoming industry related events and opportunities.
    • Talk with a career advisor if you need help identifying next steps.
  • I’m not sure if I have experience
    • Consider all of the experiences you have been gaining in college?  Think about your jobs, volunteer experiences, job shadowing, coursework, extracurricular activities, etc.  Identify your transferable skills from these experiences.
    • Not sure if you have any transferable skills?  Consult with a career advisor to assess your experiences and how they relate to your new career plans.
    • Consider gaining more experience in your industry. Join a Career Community to learn about upcoming professional development opportunities.
  • Yes, I’m feeling pretty good!
    • That’s great!  Keep moving forward and feel free to consult with the Career Center when you need assistance.
    • Keep looking at job postings.  It’s a great way to stay informed on what is required in positions
    • When you are ready to apply for jobs, be sure to check out the Career Centers job searching resources.

Page last modified February 21, 2024