Conferences & Awards
Conferences & Awards
Since 2004, peer writing consultants from GVSU have regularly attended and made presentations at the following conferences:
- Michigan Writing Centers Association Ideas Exchanges (fall)
- East Central Writing Centers Association conferences (spring).
- National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing (fall)

Consultants traveled to The Ohio State University in March of 2018 to present on topics related to Linguistic Diversity, Student Publications, Writing for Business, and High-impact Learning among Consultants.

Consultants traveled to Oakland University in October of 2017 to present on topics related Writing Center work.
Going to conferences allows consultants and administrators to
- Share current work at GV
- Learn from others in our field
- Collect new strategies, friendships, and ideas for future work
- Practice professionalism among academics
We are proud of the consultants' professional development and the scholarship they produce!
Here are just a couple of significant accomplishments made by our consultants over the years:
In 2016, we sent 6 consultants, our Writing Center Coordinator, and the Director of Writing Across the Curriculum to East Central Writing Centers Association conference in Alliance, OH; these consultants presented on topics including Multimodal Consulting, Personality Types in the Writing Center, Faculty Collaboration with Writing Centers, Legal Writing Consulting, and Language Diversity among Writing Center Clients.
In 2015, we sent 3 consultants and our Writing Center Coordinator to the National Conference on Peer Tutoring in Writing; the presentations covered topics including Multimodal Consulting, Mission Statements Composition and Implications, and Integrating Visual Learning Materials into Writing Center Practice.
In 2014, the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors hosted the Michigan Writing Centers Association conference.
In 2012, Dale Johnson won Tutor of the Year at the East Central Writing Center Association conference.
Have other questions? Stop in and visit! Or call us at 331-2922.