About the Program
What is the Frederik Meijer Honors College?
The Frederik Meijer Honors College is an alternative general education program for students who desire to challenge themselves academically. Many of our classes are interdisciplinary and team-taught while utilizing smaller class sizes to elicit greater discussion. These smaller classes, coupled with the fact that many professors hold office hours nearby, foster a deeper personal connection between students and professors.
The Honors College is a resource to help students identify opportunities, make informed and reflective decisions about career goals, and to prepare both inside and outside the classroom to be competitive for the best jobs, graduate programs, professional programs, and fellowships.
Who is in the Frederik Meijer Honors College?
Students in the Meijer Honors College come from almost every major--about 90 different majors, currently.
There are between 1400 and 1600 students in the Frederik Meijer Honors College, depending on the semester. This represents about 8% of the undergraduate population.

Does an Honors education enhance my chance for future success?
Yes, for many reasons. Throughout the curriculum, professors challenge students to improve and enhance their writing and speaking skills, which are crucial in today's business world and in many professions. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening are the means by which we develop as critical thinkers and creative problem-solvers. Classroom discussions and group projects help students become more open-minded and collaborative. These are the kind of global and local citizenship skills college graduates need to function in our increasingly complex world. We believe that Honors College graduates leave us with the ability to take on any challenge with confidence.
Graduate program admissions committees and employers look for people who set high standards for themselves and excel--those who prefer the less traveled but more challenging route. The faculty and staff of the Frederik Meijer Honors College are here to help by putting our experience and knowledge to work for you. That may mean helping you identify opportunities, such as scholarships, internships, and research; fielding questions about careers in our disciplines; writing substantive letters of reference that can make a difference, or even contacting a colleague at another university on your behalf.
Student, Faculty and Alumni Perspectives
Elora Ferrie, a current Honors student shares her story.
Selena Brown, a 2020 Honors alumni, shares her Honors experience.
Dr. Melba Velez Ortiz, a current Honors faculty member, shares her background and teaching philosophies.
Want more information?
You can request more information by email at [email protected], or by phone at (616) 331-3219. Are you planning a visit? If so, let us know. We will arrange for you to talk with students and faculty members. You may even want to sit in on a class.