

Connor Gillis '21

The Sechia Breakfast Series. An introduction at one of the breakfasts allowed one connection to another, which landed me an internship, provided me with a full-time position, and provided me with my current job.

Jake Vanderheyden '19

My favorite Grand Valley memory was when I proposed to my wife, Valerie, with the Laker Marching Band playing behind us. We met during our freshman year in the LMB and have now been together for almost 9 years.

Jessica Carlson '09

My roommate was from Chicago and the Bears were in the Superbowl in 2007. The snow did not stop us from bundling up and heading out to Superbowl watch parties along 48th Ave!

Erik Elwell '22

My favorite memories from Grand Valley are the football tailgates at Canvas with my friends.

Natalia Vitale '09

During my junior and senior at GVSU, I partnered closely with Troy Farley and the Career Center to help center my aspirations and natural inclinations toward business and marketing.

Steven Woodard '88

There were so many, sledding down the hill on trays from the Commons, concerts, grabbing Peppino's, looking to see if "the rock" had been repainted, crossing the Little Mac (wondering if it was shaking for a reason), and finally, graduating in the spring.

Eric Cousins '15

Serving as a Resident Assistant for three years, building relationships with staff and students, all working to make GVSU a better place to live and learn.

George Jones '94

My favorite GVSU memory is Mrs. Jamison's writing exploration class. I learned so much about other people in that class as she really encouraged us to open up and share our stories.

Austin Wingett '19

Running for the board in IPO is my best GVSU memory.

Kasey Codd '20

Being a transitions leader and on the Go Team was the best experience to welcome everyone back to campus (freshmen and TLs) in an exciting and fun way!

Page last modified August 20, 2024