Frequently Asked Questions

Does your program offer elective clinical rotations?

  • Yes.  Students are given 8 weeks of elective rotations which are split into 2 separate rotations.

Does your program offer international rotation?

  • Yes.  We have some international clinical site opportunities for students interested.  This would take the place of the elective rotation.

How long is GVSU's PA program?

  • 28 months

What is the retention rate of the program?

  • 95%

Is there a research aspect of your program?

  • Yes.  It is embedded in three evidence-based medicine (EBM) courses.  Additionally, our faculty are involved in independent research projects.

Click here for Admission Related FAQs

What is your program's teaching approach?  (PBL, Lecture, Discussion, Systems, etc.)

  • Traditional lecture (didactic) is delivered in a system based approach in which students will learn about a specific organ system (ex. Cardiology) in multiple courses, such as pharmacology clinical medicine and pathophysiology simultaneously.  Clinical exam and procedure skills are learned in a hands-on laboratory course that runs concurrently with the other system based courses.  Our program also has small group courses that emphasize problem based learning and evidence based medicine embedded within the curriculum.
  • Another unique feature of our program is the use of Interactive Television (ITV).  All of our lecture courses are taught live and streamed via ITV to the distant campus.  The use of ITV allows instructors to instruct both campuses simultaneously in real time.  Faculty and students are able to see the students and faculty at the distant campus via television screens in the front and back of the lecture room and lecture materials are visible on the drop down screens at both campuses.  Active participation is encouraged between the two campuses and students are able to ask questions during lectures and participate in discussion with faculty and students at the distant campus.

Is there anything unique about your program that you would like to share with students considering your program?

  • Intense but great success rates on boards!  This program will prepare students for practice as a PA in a health care team!

Page last modified July 18, 2024