What to Expect at a Student Conduct Hearing

If you are charged with a violation of the Anchor, you can either:

  1. Admit responsibility for the violation and request to proceed with the Formal Conflict Resolution process (FCR);
  2. Admit responsibility and request to move forward with the Alternative Conflict Resolution process (ACR); or

  3. Deny responsibility and request a hearing with a Hearing Officer.

Your options will be further outlined during your meeting with your assigned Conflict Resolution Facilitator.

At a hearing you can expect to see the Conflict Resolution Facilitator, Hearing Officer, and possibly additional staff from the Dean of Students Office. You may also choose to have an advisor accompany you at the hearing.  

The Hearing Officer will review the outline and instructions to everyone in the room.  During the hearing, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, explain your side, and present any evidence you have submitted in advance.  Following the hearing, the Hearing Officer will make a decision and the Conflict Resolution Facilitator will work with you to assign appropriate restorative measures.

Following a hearing, you may have the opportunity to appeal the decision of the Hearing Officer or assigned restorative measures, if grounds are met.  You will receive an "Appeal Link" in the follow up letter after your meeting or hearing.  Appeal options and process are outline in the Anchor. You can contact your Conflict Resolution Coordinator with questions at any point throughout the process.

A visual outline of the conduct process can be found here.

More information about student rights and the conduct process can be found in the Anchor.



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Page last modified October 28, 2022