eLearning Technologies Support & Services
From getting started to advanced technology integration into teaching, the eLearning team is here for you!
The eLearning Technologies team is dedicated to supporting faculty, contributing to teaching excellence, and enhancing student success through:
- Exemplary Instructional Design - IDeL
- Effective Application of Instructional Technologies - Teaching with Technology
- Learning Management System Enhancement - Blackboard
- Interactive Digital Media Development - The Bridge (formerly the Digital Studio)

We are here to help faculty deliver the next generation of teaching and learning. With the reorganization of eLearning Technologies, each college and their associated programs have been assigned a Instructional Technology Project Specialist and a Senior Instructional Design Specialist.
Find your dedicated eLearning Technologies team members on our eLearning Technologies Support by Colleges website.
Webinars, Workshops, and Badges
The eLearning team provides faculty professional development opportunities through webinars and hands-on workshops. Many sessions offer an eLearning Technologies Badge to certify achievement. Registration for seminars is available through Workday Learn at GVSU.
Consultations & Coaching
Not sure where to start? Let us help you! We offer individual consultations and coaching opportunities in best-leveraging technology in teaching that contributes to student success. Each department has a dedicated instructional designer and instructional technology project specialist. Find your dedicated eLearning Technologies team members on our eLearning Technologies Support by Colleges website.
- Instructional Design for eLearning (IDeL) & Online/Hybrid Course Development Support
Glenna Decker, Justin Melick, Matt Roberts, Vince St. Germain - Teaching with Technology & eLearning and Instructional Technology
David Nivala, Kelley Senkowski, Barbara Stevens, Stephanie Webber - Blackboard Learning Management System Administration & Support
BbAdmin Support, Katie Clark, Colleen Cameron - Microsoft Office
Stephanie Balaskas - The Bridge & Interactive Digital Media Development
Noah Campbell, Kyle Macciomei
How To's and Tutorials
Our eLearning Technologies page within or IT Service Portal includes tutorials and resources coveirng:
- Blackboard
- Ally
- Panopto
- and more!
Technology tips and faculty highlights are also available on the eLearning YouTube Channel.
Have a Blackboard question? Contact our Blackboard support team:
- Blackboard Faculty Support
[email protected]
(616) 331-2101
Instructional Design for eLearning (IDeL)
Online/Hybrid Course Development & Faculty Support
Looking for help in designing high-quality instruction by leveraging technology in online and hybrid courses?
The IDeL team includes four instructional designers (Glenna Decker, Justin Melick, Matt Roberts and Vince St. Germain ) who have assisted faculty in online/hybrid course development and taught online or hybrid courses for over twenty years.
Individual consultations are available, and the IDeL team provides webinars and web-based resources to support faculty in their work to best leverage technology for teaching and to design high-quality media-rich online/hybrid instruction. Find your dedicated eLearning Technologies Senior Instructional Design Specialist on our eLearning Technologies Support by Colleges website.
Learn more about the services and support provided in the area of instructional design on the IDeL web site.
Teaching with Technology
eLearning and Instructional Technology
One of the best ways to contribute to student success and to increase effectiveness and efficiency is to take advantage of technology to solve instructional problems and create engaging teaching resources.
Our six Instructional Technology Project Specialists (David Nivala, Kelley Senkowski, Barbara Stevens and Stephanie Webber, Landon Nalepinski and Mai MohamedNour) along with our Graduate Assistants have assembled a wide array of resources that can be used in teaching such as Blackboard, Zoom, Blackboard Ally, Panopto, Respondus, and much more! Find your dedicated eLearning Technologies Instructional Technology Project Specialist on our eLearning Technologies Support by Colleges website.
Learn more about our resources on the Teaching with Technology Support website.
Communicate with Students, Share Content, Provide Assignments and Grades
Looking to save time, increase your efficiency and effectiveness, better communicate with your students, easily share content, and provide timely feedback to students?
One of the best ways to engage with students outside of the classroom is through Blackboard. The entire eLearning Technologies team can provide support to faculty through individual consultations, webinars, email support, and web resources.
Review our Bb resources available in our service portal website.
The Bridge
Interactive Digital Media Development
Media-rich instruction can help solve instructional problems, enhance learning, and support student success. Through the leadership of Noah Campbell and Kyle Macciomei, the The Bridge seeks to promote the creation of digital learning experiences by providing consulting services, project development, and technology exploration for GVSU faculty and staff.
Services are provided to faculty to assist in converting materials for online use, as well as to create custom interactive media elements that engage students.
One of our best used instructional technologies at GVSU is the Lightboard. This exciting technology was custom built by Justin Melick, Senior Instructional Design Specialist, and it combines a whiteboard-like experience with visibility of the instructor for highly engaging lectures. Lightboard videos can be easily integrated into Blackboard and placed online.
System Administration
Blackboard Learning Management System Administration
As GVSU's enterprise learning management system, Blackboard plays an increasingly important role in delivering a high-quality educational experience. The eLearning team of Blackboard specialists and Systems Analysts (Katie Clark and Colleen Cameron) provide leadership and support to continue to advance the capabilities of the system to meet faculty and students' needs.
Learn more at the Teaching with Technology Support website.