

Bailey Blackport '24

One of my favorite memories is going to a career fair! Chatting with various employers was a great experience and very informative.

Olivia Brown '18

Being an RA on campus was such a fun time. Never a dull moment and SO many stories are still talked about. My best friends came out of that experience and we are still close now!

Russell Werra '16

My favorite memory at Grand Valley would have to be the many memorable friendships and relationships I was able to build given the nature of the welcoming environment set forth by the university.

Jessica Carlson '09

My roommate was from Chicago and the Bears were in the Superbowl in 2007. The snow did not stop us from bundling up and heading out to Superbowl watch parties along 48th Ave!

Daniel Zorn '19

I remember tailgating at a Grand Valley playoff game in December while it was snowing. It was a great time and felt special having a home game so late in the season. The best part of Grand Valley was the people.

Danielle Harris '11

I have so many amazing memories from my time at Grand Valley. I was a resident assistant for several years, and I always loved throwing Halloween parties. But mostly, I cherish the memories I have hanging out with friends at Fresh Foods eating Laker Bowls

Adam Clarke '09

My favorite memory while attending Grand Valley happened when I was a part of the Collegiate Entrepreneurs' Organization. As a member, we had the opportunity to attend the chapter conference in Chicago.

Jennifer Jurgens '03

During my Freshman year, I played on the Varsity Volleyball Club and absolutely loved the practices and the people I met through our travels. I even went on to play competitive beach volleyball with some of them.

Natalia Vitale '09

During my junior and senior at GVSU, I partnered closely with Troy Farley and the Career Center to help center my aspirations and natural inclinations toward business and marketing.

Steven Woodard '88

There were so many, sledding down the hill on trays from the Commons, concerts, grabbing Peppino's, looking to see if "the rock" had been repainted, crossing the Little Mac (wondering if it was shaking for a reason), and finally, graduating in the spring.

Page last modified September 21, 2024