WRT 306: For New Consultants

If you are hired to be a writing consultant, you must take an academic course to learn how to be an effective consultant. To satisfy this academic requirement you must take a 1-credit course (WRT 306) titled "Seminar for New Tutors." 

WRT 306: Seminar for New Tutors (1 credit) is the minimum course required for new writing consultants. In this class, you will learn more about the theory and research that informs our consulting practices in the writing center, and you will gain greater understanding and a larger toolkit for handling special consulting situations, such as working with English as Second Language writers; consulting with writers composing documents in unfamiliar disciplines; consulting with writers who identify as having learning disabilities; and facilitating group discussions of drafts (such as you do in your classroom work with WRT 120, WRT 130, and WRT 150 students). If taking WRT 306 pushes you over your 16 credit load, please speak with the director of the center regarding your best options. 

Key points regarding WRT 306:

  • WRT 306 (1 credit) is a requirement for all new consultants

  • Therefore, keep 1 credit available in your academic schedule! If you are hired to be a writing consultant, you will be given a permit to add WRT 306 (1 credit) to your course schedule.

  • You must be available to enroll in WRT 306: Seminar for New Tutors to become a consultant. In addition, you must be available to attend orientation/training during the Thursday and Friday before fall classes begin.




Have other questions? Stop in and visit! Or call us at 331-2922.

Page last modified June 7, 2022