Bringing Consultants Into Your Classroom

The writing center can send consultants into your classroom upon your request for two purposes:

  • Consultants can give your students a 10-15 minute presentation about our services. Using PowerPoint slides and handouts, the presentation is designed to give students an overview of how we can assist them with writing in any of their classes, with brainstorming and organizing ideas, to documenting sources according to style guides, to helping them polish their work. A video version of our in-class presentation is available here - 
  • A group of consultants can come to your class to facilitate a peer review workshop where your students offer each other feedback on drafts. The instructor should inform the Center of the assignment ahead of time, along with the goals of the workshop. Consultants will facilitate small group discussions about the students' drafts, guiding them to suggest ways of making one another's papers stronger.

To schedule a presentation or peer review workshop, contact Lisa Gullo at 331-2922 or [email protected]. Please include the following information in your request:

Workshop (50min) or presentation (10min)?
Professor's full name Course/section number Date of requested workshop or presentation Time--workshops must begin on the hour Location of requested workshop/presentation # of students enrolled in the class

Page last modified February 11, 2021