News and Spotlights

Civic Engagement Showcase

April 11, 2019

Civic Engagement Showcase

Seven community-based projects developed by MSW students in partnership with local organizations were showcased at the Civic Engagement Showcase on April 11, 2019.  

  1. Harm Reduction Matters-Partner: Veterans Administration
    MSW Students: Kelsey Larsen & Savana Vanderberg
  2. Mental Health Partnership Luncheon-Partner: Family Outreach Center
    MSW Students: Erica Mickens & Taj Burgen
  3. Rapid Prompting Evaluation Model-Partner: Benjamin’s Hope
    MSW Student: Eric Palumbo
  4. Mental Health Awareness for LBGTQ High School Students-Partner: Forest Hills Central High School
    MSW Students: Jordan Kuiper & Bradley Wallsteadt
  5. Ending the Stigma: Understanding Mental Health in the Context of Poverty-Partner: Bridge Street House of Prayer
    MSW Students: Kim Grace, Amanda Luurtsema, & Lorissa Matthysse
  6. Navigation Through Knowledge-Partner: Muskegon County District Attorney’s Office
    MSW Students: Alyssa Gunderson, Health Hofstra, and Bre’Onna Sanders
  7. Providers Guide for Working with LGBTQ Patients-Partner: Cherry Health
    MSW Student: Quinn Segrist

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Page last modified April 11, 2019