Equal Pay
2024 Equal Pay Day is March 12!
Overall Women’s Equal Pay Day is March 12.
Paid 84 cents of every dollar paid to white men.
The pay gap varies a great deal among different communities, especially women of color. AAUW has added other Equal Pay Days to the calendar that highlight many women work much longer into the year to catch up to men. For more information: https://www.aauw.org/resources/article/equal-pay-day-calendar/.
Why It’s Important
Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into the year a woman must work, on average, to earn as much as her male counterparts did during the previous year. Red is worn on this day as a symbol of how far women are “in the red” with regard to pay.
Over the course of a career, a woman could lose up to a million dollars in income. It impacts her paying for groceries, rent or purchase a home, invest in education, savings, and retirement. For a recent college graduate, it could take longer to pay off her student loans.
MI-ACE Women’s Network’s #1 Public Policy Priority voted by its membership:
- Pay Equity for women at all levels of positions
- Equal access at entry positions
- Equal pay to fill existing wage gaps
For more information on the 2022-25 MI-ACE Public Policy Priorities: https://www.gvsu.edu/miace/2022-25-public-policy-priorities-50.htm
The Michigan American Council on Education (MI-ACE) Women’s Network works in partnership with the Michigan Equal Pay Coalition to raise awareness of pay inequity between men’s and women’s earnings. In years past, a State Capitol event with state legislators, now virtual events, have drawn women together from across to state to educate and advocate for equal pay.
Institutional Representatives of MI-ACE member institutions have organized campus activities with staff, students and institution leaders, including wearing red, speaker events, salary negotiation workshops, and social media awareness campaigns.
MI-ACE Resources
The MI-ACE Women’s Network 2023 Equal Pay Toolkit
If you are seeking a speaker for your event, please contact Martha Grier, [email protected], MI-ACE Speakers Bureau, or complete the online speaker request form.
2022 Equal Pay Day, Saginaw Valley University

Betsy Diegel, Deb Huntley