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Message from State Chair

headshot: Kimberly Hurns

Kimberly Hurns, state chair

The MI-ACE Network for me has always been a safe place, a courageous place where we nurture and support authentic leaders. Therefore, it was not surprising to me that as an African-American woman, board members reached out to me personally to honor the challenge that is taking place in my own home. I am married to a black man, I am raising a black son, and for the last few days, I have had to push aside anger and frustration and continue to lead and get my job done with an added weight.  The weight is somewhat constant —it ebbs and flows but it never goes away. It simply sits there as an added reality to my story of being Black in America.

I don’t find it ironic that this past week of incidents were a bit different than the many incidents of the recent past — the entire context of each situation was captured on video and everyone was a witness to the realities that we live with every day. As women who network to support each other, I hope we really think about the Central Park incident and the power that was leveraged in a telephone call. For many of us that telephone call was analogous to words like threatening and abrasive as well as emails with multiple people included. We must recognize the power of microagressions and how they multiply and turn into Amy in the park or police matters that end worst. We are suffering and it is compounding.

As women (and women of color), we know this experiment called America was wrong in its inception because we had to amend the document it was founded upon. We have more work to do but it starts with each of us first being honest with ourselves. People of color cannot change racism. Let us not stop talking, sharing and learning from one another. Let’s be better in our educational institutions to learn from the young people who want this country to deliver on its promise. It’s their future and we owe it to them to support their vision and the promises that have been made but not kept. 

I wish grace to all of my sisters who are dealing with this stress in mental and physical ways — breathe!  I wish grace to all of my sisters who do not know how to start the conversation with friends and colleagues, there is no right way to start hard conversations. However, our country depends on us all to create a different future. Network requires WORK.

Kimberly Hurns
Vice President for Instruction
Washtenaw Community College
[email protected]

Special Announcement - Participants Needed!

Kerri Langdon, a doctoral student in the Higher Education Administration program at Illinois State University in Normal, Illinois, is conducting qualitative dissertation research on how female community college administrators identifying as part of the Millennial generation (born between 1981-1996) perceive and experience leadership within the workplace. 

As a participant, you will be asked to partake in one focus group session, lasting approximately 50 minutes.  The focus group session will be conducted virtually on a mutually agreed upon date utilizing Zoom technology.  In this focus group, participants will be asked to reflect upon and share their thoughts regarding their perceptions and experiences about leadership in the workplace.  

Participants will also have an opportunity to provide contact information for other individuals/colleagues that they feel may be interested in participating in this research. 

If you are interested in participating in the focus group session, please contact Kerri Langdon, at [email protected] or 815.382.5127.

What's Happening

MI-ACE Micro-Grants

Friday, October 16  

Lunch time Virtual session for IRs on how to apply for MI-ACE Micro-Grants 

Time: 12:00-12:45 p.m. 

Cost:  Free 

Registration: Begins October 9 

2020 Virtual IR Institute

October 23 at 4:30 p.m. - Click for Info

WOCC VIrtual Lunch & Learn

November 13, 11:30 am - Click for Info

Mentoring Mondays - Book Read: How Women Rise: Break 12 Habits Holding You Back From Your Next Raise, Promotion, or Job

September 28, 2020

Let me take a moment to refresh our memories about why we are reviewing the book “How Women Rise” by Sally Helgensen and Marshall Goldsmith. This book focuses on “breaking the 12 habits holding you back from your next raise, promotion, or job.” So, as you review these excerpts, begin to build your strategy for breaking these habits. Today, we examine habit #5.

Habit 5: Failing to Enlist Allies from Day One

Read full article here

View all articles here

Sunday Check-In with State Chair

Sunday Check-in w/ State Chair is BACK!

Come share with other women how we are managing our wellness during these challenging times.  A fun and engaging hour to get you prepared for another week.

October 4, 18, 11, and 25 at 7 p.m.

Zoom Meeting:


View on Facebook

Page last modified September 28, 2020