L. William Seidman Center - Room Information


Room Type-Seating Style


Charles W. Loosemore Forum - SCB-1008-Entire Room

Multi-Purpose Space

Theater Seating 300, Rounds 192 with buffet/224, Classroom 160

Charles W. Loosemore Forum - SCB-1008A Portion 

Multi-Purpose Space

Theater Seating 100, Rounds 64 with buffet/96, Classroom 40

Charles W. Loosemore Forum - SCB-1008B Portion

Multi-Purpose Space

Theater Seating 200, Rounds 96 with buffet/128, Classroom 70

Conference Rooms 

Conference Room - Board Room


Case Rooms

Conference-Board Room - Fixed Table


Team Rooms

Conference Room - Board Room - Mobile tables)


Computer Classrooms

Conference Room - Board Room-Fixed Table


Seidman Center Instructional Spaces

Seidman Center Instructional Spaces
Instructional space is space whose primary purpose is for academic classes.  Instructional Spaces at Seidman Center include Seminar Rooms, Classrooms, Computer Labs, and Departmental Labs.
Instructional space cannot be confirmed until after drop/add for the semester.  Please note that no classrooms or computer labs are available during exam weeks. 

Seidman Center Event Policies
Online Room Request Form

If the room is needed for meeting purposes other than classes, please contact Conference and Event Planning Services at (616) 331-5980 or e-mail [email protected]



Use of Lobby Space

Registered student organizations may reserve a promotions table in the Seidman Center to promote memberships, events, or conduct fundraising activities and must abide by the related policies found at Event Services Policies.

  • Registered student organizations must submit an Expressive Activity Designated Space Use Registration Form (University Affiliated). Download the form at 
  • Expressive Activity Designated Space Use Registration Form at least five days prior to the event.  This form requires the signature of the organization's president.  
  • If conducting commerce, registered student organizations must submit a Commercial Activity Space Use Application Form (University Affiliation). Download the form at 
  • Commercial Activity Space Use Application Form
  • A table for activities can be reserved during the approval process to secure the hold the date; however, to request a table reservation in Seidman Center, contact Conference & Event Planning Office at (616)331-5980.
  • If an activity involves selling food or beverage, the student organization must also obtain an approved food waiver from Campus Dining Services. Download the form at
    Food Waiver Form – Laker Food Co.
  • At least one representative from the sponsoring student organization shall be in attendance during the activity.

The L. William Seidman Center
Seidman Center Office:  (616) 331-5980
Email: [email protected]  


Page last modified August 27, 2024