Common Undergrad Questions:

What should I major in for my bachelor's degree if I want to be a speech-language pathologist?

  • We admit students from many different disciplines; however, all students must complete the pre-requisite coursework in order to be eligible for our master's program.

When do I start thinking about graduate schools?

  • Start to think about graduate school at the beginning of your junior year.  It is important to create a plan for applying, taking your GREs, as well as requesting recommendations.  Take your time researching schools.  Getting to know the schools before you begin to apply will help in the application process and relieve some stress during your senior year!

When should I begin to study for the GREs?

  • Begin to study several months in advance.  This will give you time to learn the information and become familiar with the test format.  Taking the test early will also give you the opportunity to retake the GREs if needed.  

How can I make myself look better to graduate schools?  

  • Get involved!  Excellent academic grades are extremely important when applying to graduate schools, however there are other ways to get noticed!  Join an organization and obtain a leadership position.  This will be a great way to learn about your leadership abilities and prove to graduate schools that you are responsible. Volunteering is another great way to add to your resume.  Try to volunteer with organizations that are related to your field.  Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists both work with a wide range of individuals.  Familiarizing yourself with those groups will help you in the long run! Visiting open houses for graduate programs that you are interested in is a great way to get your name out there!

How do I find out more about the student organization, NSSLHA?


What can I do with an undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders?

  •  Often students who obtain an undergraduate degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD) attend graduate school and become speech-language pathologists or audiologists. If you are a student who is not attending graduate school or has chosen a gap year, you may wonder “what can I do with my undergraduate degree in CSD?”
  • As you explore options, be sure to visit GVSU’s career center for assistance. Consider taking their free assessment to be sure you understand your skills, abilities, interests, passion and values. If you want a more detailed assessment there are a few options available for a small fee for GVSU enrolled students.

The Value of the Undergraduate Degree: 

 Here the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) highlights the value of the degree you have obtained.

Those who have gone before you: 

 Find out where other students landed by reviewing GVSU’s First Destination Annual Report


What are the Graduate School options outside CSD?

  •  You may have discovered that a career in speech-language pathology or audiology is not for you. If you still want to continue your education by going to graduate school, consider related fields like education and allied health. (may require advance planning in undergraduate courses or additional prerequisite coursework)

·         Master of Science in Clinical Dietetics

·         Public Health, M.P.H.

·         Master of Health Sciences in Biomedical Sciences

·         Communications, M.S.

·         Education, Special Education, M.Ed.

·         School Psychology, M.S., & Psy.S. 

Explore a comprehensive list of GVSU’s Masters and Doctoral Degree Programs here


What are Possible Job Titles for those with an undergraduate degree in CSD:

 If you forego graduate school or take a gap year before applying/reapplying to graduate school then consider the careers below: (may require additional training)

  • behavioral therapist for individuals with autism 
  • volunteer coordinator
  • activity coordinator for a nursing facility
  • classroom assistant
  • patient/family advocate
  • nonprofit organization positions
  • certified nursing assistant (CNA)
  • newborn hearing screener
  • laboratory manager
  • research assistant
  • therapeutic materials and medical equipment industry
  • respite care worker
  • rehabilitation aide
  • daycare center teacher/preschool aid
  • substitute teacher
  • hearing aid dispenser
  • civil service industry
  • healthcare insurance industry
  • job coach/housing support staff with adults with intellectual disabilities 

Special Programs: 


Speech-language pathology assistants (SLP-A)


Some states do employ individuals with a bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and disorders as speech-language pathology assistants. However, you must have attended a college/university that was specifically designed to lead to certification. GVSU does not provide a path to certification as an assistant. For additional information please visit ASHA’s website regarding SLP-A training programs.


Common SLP Master Program Questions:

Do we admit students into the graduate program twice a year?

  • We admit students once a year, fall semester, into the master's program.

Do you offer an online program?  

  • We do not offer the master's program in speech-language pathology online.

May I take the master's program part-time?  

  • We do not have a part-time option. The program is full-time for four consecutive semesters.

Does Grand Valley State University have a speech-language/audiology clinic?

  • No.  Clinical coursework is completed in the community.

What is the application deadline to apply for the Track 1 of the MS in Speech-Language Pathology?

  • The application deadline is January 15th.

How many applications do you receive each admissions cycle?  

  • Each cycle varies a little, but 250-325 applications are received on average.

How many students do we admit into the MS in Speech-Language Pathology?

  • Approximately 40 students annually.

Can I transfer into the MS in Speech-Language Pathology program at GVSU?

  • No. We do not take transfer students into the graduate program.

What are the prerequisites for a M.S. in Speech- Language Pathology?

  • The prerequisite coursework must be completed prior to starting the program.  The courses may be in progress at the time of application submission.  Go to admission-to-the-slp-masters-program-2.htm to see a list of required prerequisite courses.

How many semester is the MS in Speech-Language Pathology program?

  • The master's in speech-language pathology is a four, consecutive semester program at Grand Valley State University.  You will attend fall, winter, spring/summer, fall.

General Academic Questions:

May I talk to an advisor/how do I schedule an advising appointment?

Will my classes be in Allendale or Grand Rapids?

  • The introductory course, CSD 100, may be offered in Allendale.  All other courses are typically offered in Grand Rapids.

Where do I find information on American Sign Language?

Is American Sign Language considered a foreign language?

  • No. Grand Valley State University does not consider ASL a foreign language.

General GVSU Resource Services Questions:

Where should I go if I am experiencing depression, anxiety, or mental health issues?

Where should I go if I have experienced sexual assault or know someone who has?

Page last modified January 29, 2025