Looking to Hire A Computing Intern?

Contact Information
If you have any questions or would like to participate in our Internship program, please reach out to our Internship Coordinator, Mr. Rodd Lowell at: [email protected]
Experiential Learning
Welcome to the Internship page for the College of Computing, specifically for prospective employers. We are eager to create new experiences for our students while working with you. The College of Computing is committed to experiential learning and the role of preparing professionals for careers in computing. As part of this initiative we require educational experiences that involve individual student-to-employer activities that are credit-bearing. All undergraduate computing students are required to complete an internship prior to graduation. Our students have consistently rated very high by their employers, during internships and permanent employment.
The course catalog description of our CIS 490 course is as follows: Internship in a computing situation with individual faculty supervision to allow students to apply academic knowledge to actual and professional experience. A minimum of 16 hours of actual fieldwork per week under the supervision of a work supervisor is required. Prerequisites: CIS 290, junior standing, and permission of instructor.
Internship Benefits
- Enable students to gain valuable practical experience related to their academic field and to enhance their opportunity for employment upon graduation.
- Enable employers to maintain closer liaison with the School and the University and to evaluate and train student interns as prospective full-time employees.
- Provide the Computing Department with a source of input on the current problems and needs of business and industry.
Employer Requirements for Interns:
- Must be willing to supervise/mentor a student intern.
- Internship Supervisor must be a computing professional.
- Must complete GVSU supplied survey/evaluation as administered by GVSU Career Services via email.
Credit Hours & Duration
Credit Hours |
Hours worked per week |
2 Credit Hours |
Student must work a minimum average of 16 hours per week |
3 Credit Hours |
Student must work a minimum average of 20 hours per week |
4 Credit Hours |
Student must work a minimum average of 24 hours per week |
5 Credit Hours |
Student must work a minimum average of 32 hours per week |
Duration |