CMS Site Approval Requirements

Before requesting approval and site launch, the site owner must confirm compliance with the following web and accessibility standards.

In addition to adhering to the requirements below, please also see GVSU's Site Approval Recommendations to ensure publishing a high-quality website. 



Additional Resources:

Accessible PDFs/Documents

  • All documents and PDFs hosted on the site are accessible (e.g., Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, etc.).

Alternative Text

  • All images use quality alternative text to describe the image for accessibility compliance.
  • Alt text on profile images should be first and last name only.
  • There is no need to state that the image is a photo. The screen reader will announce it.
  • Exception: If the image is a link, the alternative text must describe where the user will go - not the image.

Color Contrast Sufficient

  • All elements on the site must pass WG3 accessibility standards for sufficient contrast.

Contact Page Present (Academic Sites)

  • Academic sites (i.e., those with degrees/certificates) must have a contact page.
    • H1 header and page title should be "Contact" or "Contact Us"
    • Strongly recommend including the page in the main menu structure

Footer – Includes Contact Info

  • The site has specific department contact information in the footer, not GVSU general contact information.
  • Email and phone are required.
  • Address and hours are strongly recommended.


  • Each page has only one <H1> header. 
  • Headers are used to provide organizational hierarchy.
    • <H1> as the top header 
      • <H2> as sub-headings
        • <H3> as headings underneath <H2> sub-headings, not <H1> headings


  • All images must have descriptive alternative text.
  • Images and videos must be high-quality and high-resolution.

Links - Broken Links

  • All links must work correctly. 

Links - Email Links Formatted Correctly

Links - Embedding the Link

Videos - Captions Accurate + Present

  • Embedded videos and linked videos hosted on GVSU sites must include captions - including videos with little or no talking.

Web Writing

  • Text content follows modern web writing guidelines and best practices.

Page last modified January 14, 2025