CLAS Committees

CLAS Faculty Council (CFC)

Meeting information: Wednesdays, 2-4 p.m.; 1-3X/month on weeks unit heads do not meet; Allendale

Membership: 9 tenure-track faculty from CLAS

Description: The CLAS Faculty Council (CFC) will serve as the executive committee of faculty governance within CLAS. Its responsibilities include conducting elections within the college, reviewing the functioning of all standing CLAS committees, forming committees as necessary, and facilitating and supervising referenda and assemblies as called under the bylaws. The CFC will serve as liaison between the faculty and the Dean and function in an advisory capacity.

Term Length: 3 years

Ineligibility: Unit heads, faculty who would also be serving on other CLAS committees

CLAS Personnel Committee (CPC)

Meeting information: Fridays, 3-5 p.m.; Winter semester is busier; Allendale.

Membership: 12 tenure-track faculty from CLAS

Description: The CLAS Personnel Committee (CPC) reviews and recommends to the Dean on all contract renewals, promotion and tenure decisions, dismissal for adequate cause, as well as on personnel policies and issues. 

Term Length: 3 years

Ineligibility: Faculty who would also be serving on other CLAS committees, and faculty from units already represented on CPC. Must be tenured to serve on CPC.

CLAS Curriculum Committee (CCC)

Meeting information: Fridays, 2-4 p.m.; weekly; Allendale.

Membership: 12 tenure-track faculty from CLAS

Description: The CLAS Curriculum Committee (CCC) reviews and recommends to the Dean on all curricular matters, including proposals for new courses or programs, course and program changes, program requirements, and general education courses. CCC reviews proposals for potential overlap with, or effect on, other disciplines, units, or colleges.  

Term Length: 3 years

Ineligibility: Faculty who would also be serving on other CLAS committees

CLAS Faculty Development Committee (FDC)

Meeting information: Thursdays 3:30-5 p.m.; 2x/month; Allendale.

Membership: 9 tenure-track faculty from CLAS

Description: The CLAS Faculty Development Committee (FDC) will advise the Dean on faculty development in teaching, scholarship, and service.  This includes playing a role in the development of mentoring plans for new faculty that are consistent with the goals of liberal learning. The committee will also advise the Dean on assisting faculty and student research collaboration, and will support faculty in the grant proposal process as a liaison between CLAS and internal and external audiences. 

Term Length: 3 years

Ineligibility: Faculty who would also be serving on other CLAS committees

CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (CAFAC)

Meeting information: 1st and 3rd Fridays, 1-2:30 PM; Allendale

Membership: 9 affiliate faculty from CLAS

Description: The CLAS Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (CAFAC) advises the Dean on issues concerning Affiliate faculty, such as working conditions, workload, the evaluation process, opportunities for development and advancement, and roles within respective units.  It reviews current policies and makes recommendations to the Dean.  Through its work, the committee strives to strengthen the integration of the Affiliate community within their respective departments and across CLAS.

Term Length: 3 years

University Committees with CLAS Representation

University Academic Senate (UAS)

Meeting information:  Friday 3-5 p.m.; once per month; Fall - Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 22 tenure-track faculty

Description: The University Academic Senate (UAS) is the highest faculty governance body. It has the authority to deal with any academic issue or faculty concern. It makes recommendations to the Provost and/or the President. Senate membership consists of faculty members elected from and by the faculty of each College and the University Libraries, and students selected by the Student Senate, including the President of the Student Senate. The Provost and designees and the Deans (of any rank) are members ex officio, non-voting.

Term Length:  3 years

Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS)

Meeting information:  Friday 3-5 p.m.; three per month; Fall - Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 8 tenure-track faculty

Description: The Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) serves as the clearinghouse for matters to be presented to the UAS. Such matters are discussed by ECS before its recommendations are made to the Senate. ECS membership consists of faculty senators from academic colleges and the library, the Student Senate President or designee, and the Provost and designees, ex officio, non-voting.

Term Length:  3 years

Academic Policies & Standards Committee (ASPC)

Meeting information:  Thursday 9-11 a.m.; at least one per month; Fall - Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: To study, review, and make pertinent recommendations on academic policies and procedures including admission, retention and dismissal, repeat grades, withdrawal, academic calendar, and suspension of library privileges. The scope of study and review of the Academic Policies and Standards Committee is limited by the published purposes of other standing committees of the University Academic Senate.

Term Length:  2 years

Academic Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC)

Meeting information:  Arranged by members; two per semester; Allendale

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description:  To support the academic mission of the University in its use of technologies and services impacting teaching, learning, research and scholarship.

Term Length:  3 years

Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)

Meeting information:  Fridays 7-9am    1X/month

Membership from CLAS: 4 affiliate and 1 tenure-track faculty

Description: The role of this Advisory Committee is to represent the needs and perspectives of all University Affiliate Faculty and to provide recommendations to University bodies on matters which may impact Affiliate faculty responsibilities, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment as well as increased advocacy, visibility, retention, and development for all Affiliate faculty.   

Term Length:  3 years

Campus Life Committee (CLC)

Meeting information:  Monday 10-11:30 a.m.; Meets four times: 1st Mon of Oct/Dec/Feb/Apr; Allendale

Membership from CLAS: 3 tenure-track faculty

Description: An advisory body to the Vice Provost/Dean of Students regarding strategic planning of: co-curricular learning opportunities to actively engage students in the life of the university; support services that assist students to be successful in their academic and personal lives; and management of various environments at the university.

Term Length:  3 years

Equity and Inclusion Committee (EIC)

Meeting information:  Tuesday 9-11 a.m.; alternate weeks; Fall – Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: The role of the EIC is to promote and facilitate faculty involvement in support of a healthy and equitable campus climate. The committee accomplishes its role by engaging social justice and diversity issues on campus.

Term Length: 3 years

Faculty Facilities Planning Advisory Committee (FFPAC)

Meeting information:  Friday 8-10 a.m.; at least one per month; Fall – Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 7 tenure-track faculty

Description: The role of this Advisory Committee is to provide recommendations to Facilities Planning on planning, remodeling, and building academic facilities at Grand Valley, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment.

Term Length: 3 years

Faculty Grievance Panel (FGP)

Meeting information:  Meetings held as needed

Membership from CLAS: 6 tenure-track faculty

Description: To review and make recommendations about a grievance at the request of any aggrieved appointee (see Board of Trustees' Policies BOT 4.2.16 -4.2.17 for other details).

Term Length: 3 years

Faculty Personnel Policy Committee (FPPC)

Meeting information:  Wednesday 3-5 p.m.; alternate weeks; Fall— Allendale & Winter — Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: The FPPC has the responsibility to review faculty personnel policy matters that extend beyond the college, as specified by the ECS, and make appropriate recommendations to the ECS. FPPC will elect a new chairperson by the end of the winter semester.  The Chair of FPPC will attend the ECS meeting where the annual charges to the FPPC are finalized.

Term Length:  3 years

Faculty Salary and Budget Committee (FSBC)

Meeting information:  Friday 12-1:30 p.m.; alternate weeks; Fall —Allendale (Zumberge), Winter —Pew (Building C)

Membership from CLAS: 7 tenure-track faculty

Description: The FSBC has three primary responsibilities: To study pertinent data and make recommendations to the Senate through the ECS on (a) the allocation of funds within the Grand Valley budget as a whole as well as within the budgets of the administrative divisions, (b) the items of the budget, compensation or faculty job security, and (c) proposals for the establishment of additional units/programs at Grand Valley.

Term Length: 3 years

Faculty Teaching & Learning Center Advisory Committee (FTLCAC)

Meeting information:  Monday 1-3 p.m.; at least one per month; Allendale & Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: The role of the Advisory Committee is to provide advice on policy, direction and performance of the Pew FTLC.

Term Length: 3 years

General Education Committee (GEC)

Meeting information:  Monday 3-4:30 p.m.; Members should be prepared for weekly meetings. Virtual, or, Fall - Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 9 tenure-track faculty

Description: a) to provide guidance and support to the university community regarding the aims, philosophy, achievements and problems of the General Education Program, b) to review and act upon courses proposed for the Program, c) to make minor revisions to the Program, d) to propose to UAS major changes to the Program, e) to ensure that the skill and knowledge outcomes of each General Education course are assessed every three years, f) to remove a course from the Program.

Term Length: 3 years

GEC website

Graduate Council (GC)

Meeting information: Friday 9-11 a.m.; Monthly in Fall; Weekly in Winter; Fall: Allendale & Winter: Pew

Membership from CLAS: 2 tenure-track faculty

Description: The GC is responsible for matters related to graduate education at Grand Valley.

Term Length:  3 years

Honors Curriculum and Development Committee (HCDC)

Meeting information:  Wednesday 11 a.m.-12:00 p.m.; twice a month; Allendale

Membership from CLAS: 5 tenure-track faculty

Description: Charged with developing curriculum in accordance with the standards and guidelines established in consultation with the Honors Faculty Council, reviewing curriculum proposals submitted by faculty, ensuring compliance with General Education curricular requirements, reviewing and approving ad hoc curricular proposals, giving suggestions and advice on direction for Honors, often in response to HFC draft documents, recruiting prospective faculty to propose courses and/or teach in existing sequences, making suggestions for co-curricular activities, developing student opportunities and outreach, reviewing and selecting the annual Honors Senior Project awards.

Term Length:  3 years

International Education Committee (IEC)

Meeting information:  Monday 2-4 p.m.; at least one per month; Allendale & Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: To review, authorize, evaluate, and recommend modifications to all international programs administered by the Office of International Affairs; to recommend priorities, new initiatives, policies, and procedures for the Office of International Affairs programs, including campus curricular and co-curricular activities; to advocate for international students, study abroad, faculty research and exchange, and community integration, within the university and West Michigan; and to ensure integrity and academic excellence in all international initiatives undertaken abroad by GVSU.

Term Length:  3 years

Outstanding Service Award Committee (OSAC)

Meeting information:  Business conducted electronically

Membership from CLAS: 1 tenure-track faculty

Description: To review nominees, select the awardees, and forward the names to the Provost by December 15 for awards to be made at the next Faculty Awards Convocation.  The Outstanding Service awardees serve on the committee for the academic year following their awards.  The students and faculty members on the committee shall be representative of all segments of the campus community, including academic discipline, academic level, instructional level, race and sex.

Term Length:  3 years

Research and Development Committee (RDC)

Meeting information:  Friday 3-5 p.m. (later when proposals are being reviewed); monthly (more as determined by workload); Allendale & Pew

Membership from CLAS: 7 tenure-track faculty

Description: To receive, review, develop, and recommend policies pertaining to research conduct & development and to advise the Executive Director of the Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence on the activities of the Center. 

Term Length:  3 years

Undergraduate Research Council (URC)

Meeting information:  Friday 2-4 p.m.; monthly (weekly in Winter); Allendale & Pew

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: In keeping with the values and strategic plan of GVSU that students should acquire new knowledge and explore its application through research, artistic expression, and scholarly activity, and that active scholarship may include collaboration of faculty and staff with students, the role of the URC is to provide advice and recommendations on university-wide policies and programs that apply to undergraduate research and creative practice.

Term Length: 3 years

University Assessment Committee (UAC)

Meeting information: Monday 3-5 p.m.; alternate weeks; Fall - Allendale & Winter - Pew

Membership from CLAS: 11 tenure-track faculty

Description: The UAC is responsible for: a) Providing support to university constituents as they design and implement self-study reports and student learning outcome assessment plans/reports, b)  Reviewing assessment plans, reports, and self-studies, c)  Providing instructions for reporting formats and schedules, d)  Providing feedback to Administration in support of accreditation standards, e) Conducting training on the system for reporting Assessment reviews/plans and Self-Study updates/reports, f)  Maintaining the UAC website, Blackboard site, and Assessment Report and Self-study automated timeline and notification system.

Term Length: 3 years

University Conduct Pool (UCP)

Meeting information: Subcommittees assigned to cases as needed

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty (elected)

Description: See Article III of the Student Code.

Term Length: 3 years

University Curriculum Committee (UCC)

Meeting information:  Wednesday 2-4 p.m.; weekly; Allendale & Pew

Membership from CLAS: 7 tenure-track faculty

Description: a) to review and make recommendations on all degree requirements and on all new program proposals, b) to review and make recommendations on all proposals involving academic credit, including continuing education, c)  to review the courses recommended by the colleges to fulfill the General Education requirements, d) to review courses which will take the place of Gen Ed requirements in the Honors Program, e) to review the proposals of the colleges for programs to be offered off-campus and to recommend to ECS/UAS on matters of purpose and function of off-campus and summer programs, f)  to oversee the curriculum development process, g) to meet with the chair of College Curriculum Committee to communicate best practices and university policies regarding curricular issues.

Term Length: 2 years

University Library Advisory Committee (ULAC)

Meeting information:  Arranged by members; twice per semester

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: To advise the University libraries on possible areas of library development as perceived by the faculty; to react to issues brought to them from the University libraries; to serve as a communication channel; to recommend to the Academic Senate in a timely manner on major policy issues and matters of general concern as identified by the Committee.

Term Length: 3 years

Writing Skills Committee (WSC)

Meeting information:  Arranged by members; one per month

Membership from CLAS: 4 tenure-track faculty

Description: The Writing Skills Committee develops and assesses goals for the Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) program through the Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) program at GVSU.  The committee enables collaboration among institutions across campus that support writing, specifically the First-Year Writing Programs, the Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors, the University Libraries, and Information Technology. The work of the committee includes writing/updating the Mission, Vision, and Values statement for the SWS program; developing SWS policies as needed; writing SWS assessment plans and advising the WAC director on implementation; assessing the SWS program; and reviewing and advising the self-study report.  The committee will also review and evaluate for approval SWS courses proposed by units; advise the director of WAC on new faculty development activities; and sponsor workshops in teaching writing for faculty members.

Term Length: 3 years

Page last modified September 17, 2024