Jamie Belt '19
One of my accounting professors (Sopariwala) once sat with me for 2 hours straight to help me understand my homework and prepare for the final exam. After he graded mine, he emailed me to let me know he was proud of my grade.
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One of my accounting professors (Sopariwala) once sat with me for 2 hours straight to help me understand my homework and prepare for the final exam. After he graded mine, he emailed me to let me know he was proud of my grade.
Some of my favorite memories come from my time as a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity, particularly during my term as President. One standout event I always reminisce about is our collaboration with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
My favorite memories are the ones shared with teachers where I was able to have an "aha" moment solving a complex problem.
Lead others in an ever changing and intensely competitive world by discovering the world yourself. Develop your technical, cultural and interpersonal skills by studying abroad in the country of your choice. Explore the value of diverse views, and become an ethical global citizen as well as a respected business person.