Human & Public Service Career Community
Takeelia Garrett '96 & '00
GVSU/Student Ombuds
1. Tell us about your journey since graduation.
Since graduating in 1996, I took a full time job as a residence
hall director at Ferris State University. After completing a year
there, I went back to GVSU as a residence hall director. During my
time at GVSU, I worked full time and went to school for my masters
degree in College Student Affairs Leadership in the college of
education. After three years of GVSU, I went to work at the University
of Toledo and then The University of Michigan to get experience at
other places than GVSU. After spending five years away from GVSU, I
saw a familiar face at a conference in Florida who asked if I was
ready to “come back home.” I then applied and received a job as an
assistant director of Housing and Residence Life. I did that job from
2005-2016. During that time in 2015, I was also a part time Student
Ombuds. In 2016, I was permanently assigned as the FIRST Student
Ombuds at GVSU. This position was created from the Climate Study and
Student Senate.
2. Share a favorite Grand Valley memory.
My favorite GVSU memory is singing at the football stadium with
the Voices of GVSU. That was so much fun even though it was cold.
3. What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
To try new things.
4. List three words you would use to describe your Grand
Valley experience.
Different, fun, growth
5. What difference would you like to make in the world?
I feel like I’m already making a difference by helping our
underrepresented students feel seen and graduate from GVSU.
October 2022
Interest Area(s)
International Relations, Political Science, Education -Higher Education
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This spotlight was originally posted to the Alumni website.
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