Human & Public Service Career Community


Joel James '12

Rushing to Mennas Joint for a fatty dub before class.

Patrick Reinke '07

In my 2nd year on campus I took a job with GV Public Safety. Working with DPS introduced me to the world of policing. I soon after found myself changing my major and starting down a new career path.

Jordan Brown '13

Living in North B during my freshman year was truly a transformative experience for me. As I settled into the second floor, I found myself becoming part of an incredible community that felt more like family than just friends.

Pamela Besteman '96

During a winter practice for the Rowing Team, our coach had us play soccer on the Ski Hill. We had so much fun running up and down the hill, chasing the ball, tackling each other, and laughing our heads off while trying to beat our teammates.

Deidre Butkus '10

Meeting some of my best friends and attending GVSU football games where we cheer on our Lakers!

Anne McAuley Logan '69

In the Fall of 1966, I remember asking the athletic director if we could have a woman's crew. He said, sure. Just bring me some interested students!

Ieisha Humphrey '05

My favorite Grand Valley memory is the Community Working Classics program within the Philosophy department. I had the honor of designing and teaching a humanities course to students who would not otherwise been exposed to the subject.

Khadijah Johnson '13

As a student employee working for Financial Aid.

Morgan Lemmen '20

One of my favorite GVSU memories is taking BIO 109 "Plants in the Word" with Elise Hollister. She is an amazing professor who really made an impact on me and my educational journey!

Kathee Lamberies '03 & '05

A favorite Grand Valley memory is meeting two friends, Jill and Brad, and having all of our 300 and 400-level classes together! It was so nice to go through all that with a core group of friends!

Page last modified February 5, 2025